Interesting and Humour - page 109


A kind and strong girl pelted a duck to death with bread.


A symphony orchestra walks down a dark street in a provincial town, gently stepping over the shit lying around. First comes the trombone...


Okey-dokey, okey-dokey.

Where were you? At Grandma's.

What did you eat? Porridge?
what did you drink? hmm.

He can't do shit, he can't even play cuddle.


However, how the hunt has changed . It's a pity about the dog ((.


FobosGrunt has finally made contact


20 years have passed since his death


How education in Ukraine has progressed! Today in a bakery I ask in plain English:
- Sandwiches ye?
And in plain French I get the answer:
- No more!


Are you a professor at a famous university?
Do your homework with a 2nd grader using modern textbooks and feel like an idiot.


A man is admitted to the hospital. The nurse brings lunch - a slice of bread, a quarter of a tomato, half an egg, a spoonful of porridge. The man looks angrily at this lunch, then calls the nurse. She:
- What do you want?
- Do you have a postage stamp?
- What do you need a stamp for?
- He is used to read something in the afternoon.


The doctor says indignantly to the patient:
- You look pretty bad! I told you quite clearly only ten cigarettes a day!
- I remember well, Doctor, but you have to admit, for a man who has never smoked in his life, that's not so few after all!


It turns out that "Kamasutra" originally was a manual for Greco-Roman wrestling, and then someone made up something, and then it just started...