Interesting and Humour - page 3431



Asked. That's why I'm writing.

As many people as there are opinions. I knew a Chinese and a Korean. One was called Bruce Lee and the other was Lee Bruce. The Korean immigrated to China because his life was better there. And the Chinese immigrated to Korea because it was better there. And then they both went to Russia because it was even better there.

And the sample is unrepresentative ))))
Alexandr Saprykin:
As many people as there are opinions. I used to know a Chinese and a Korean. One was called Bruce Lee, the other Lee Bruce. The Korean immigrated to China because his life was better there. And the Chinese immigrated to Korea because it was better there. And then they both went to Russia because it's even better.

And the sample is unrepresentative ))))
You've already gone too far with the names - you have to stop just in time.
I've overdone it with the names - you've got to stop in time.
I am sorry, Dimitri, I wrote the names as they were. I looked through their passports myself. )))
Alexandr Saprykin:
I'm sorry, Dimitri, I wrote the names as they were. I looked at their passports myself. )))
Well, here we go again.... Once again - you have to stop in time here! You're ruining everything yourself....
Here we go again.... Once again, you have to stop just in time here! you're the one who's ruining everything....
You? So stop!!!
Alexandr Saprykin:
You? Then stop!!!

Read more classics:

"Some people are under the impression that the ability to lie shamelessly and brazenly is enough to become an outstanding angler - a fatal mistake. A simple, ingenuous concoction is worthless; any youngster is capable of it. Meticulous attention to detail, fine touches of authenticity, conviction and truthfulness bordering on pedantry are the hallmarks by which a seasoned angler is recognized." (с)

Alexandr Saprykin:

"I knew a young man once. He was the fairest of young men: addicted to fishing, he made it a rule never to exaggerate his catch by more than twenty-five per cent.

When I've caught forty," he said, "I'll tell everyone I've caught fifty, and so on. But beyond that," he said, "I will not lie, for it is a sin to lie.

But twenty-five per cent was not enough. He could not manage to keep within these limits. Indeed, his biggest catch was three, and there was no way to add twenty-five per cent to three, at least not when it came to fish.

He had to raise the percentage to thirty-three and a third, but even that was not enough if he managed to catch only one or two fish. Then, to simplify matters, he decided to double the number.

For two months he operated on this system, but then became disillusioned with it as well. No one believed that he was exaggerating his catch by only double, and his reputation was ruined altogether, as such moderation put him at a disadvantage among the other anglers. After catching three small fish and assuring everyone that he caught six, he felt the burning envy of a man who is known to have fished only one, and told right and left, that he fished two dozen.

In the end, he made an agreement with himself, which he faithfully observed, which was that every fish caught counted for ten, and another ten added up for a start. For example, if he failed to catch anything at all, he would say that he had fished a tenner. A ten was the smallest catch possible under this system; it was its foundation, so to speak. Then if my lad did happen to catch one fish he would count it as twenty, two fish as thirty, three as forty, and so on.

This system was so simple and convenient that there was talk of making the whole fishing community use it. Indeed, two years ago the Thames Fishermen's Association Committee recommended its widespread use, but the oldest members of the association opposed it. They said the idea was not a bad one, but the multiplier should be doubled and every fish counted for twenty." (с)


Read more classics:

"Some people are under the impression that the ability to lie shamelessly and brazenly is enough to become an outstanding angler - a fatal mistake. A simple, ingenuous concoction is worthless; any youngster is capable of it. Meticulous attention to detail, fine touches of authenticity, conviction and truthfulness bordering on pedantry are the hallmarks by which a seasoned angler is recognized." (с)

Dimitri I do not care about your impressions. Believe it or not. It's up to you. Your negativity and denial of everything that other people write keep to yourself. Thank you in advance.)))
Alexandr Saprykin:
Dimitri I don't care about your impressions. Believe it or not. That's up to you. Keep your negativity and denial of everything other people write. Thank you in advance.)))

It's not me.

It's Jerome. Jerome


It's not me.

It's Jerome. Jerome

You can also blame it all on Nekrasov))))
What to do? What to do? Who lives well in Russia?