Interesting and Humour - page 2856

Probably ... Maybe it was on the RBK channel that they covertly advertised (they even quoted them how much to pay - thousands of dollars per month).
Alexander Antoshkin:
Strangely enough it is the programmer who is more charged with trolling, and Google itself is a troll-bot, if not confused with xenophobia. These are different things.

This is a fallacy. Programmers have a very multivariate way of thinking, so their conclusions may seem contradictory at first glance, unless the whole logical sequence is laid out.

First of all, don't confuse trolling with flooding, and Google has nothing to do with it at all.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

This is a fallacy. Programmers have a very multivariate way of thinking, so their conclusions may seem contradictory at first glance, unless the whole logical sequence is laid out.

First of all, don't confuse trolling with flooding, and Google has nothing to do with it at all.

The blogs in the header have become "Blogs" again, not "News":

Here's one to help you out.

good troll

Генерация текстов. Онлайн-сервисы и программы
Генерация текстов. Онлайн-сервисы и программы
Уникальность текста – наиважнейшее требование, предъявляемое поисковыми системами к любому сайту. И хотя некоторые успешные веб-ресурсы состоят из копипаста (скопированного материала), они, скорее, исключение, а не правило. С падением цен на услуги хостинг-провайдеров, с появлением бесплатных блоговых платформ (BlogSpot, LiveJournal, Blogger и...

France v France

Sergey Golubev:

There was a small program on RBC channel today about trolling - that it's like a very demanded and highly paid profession, that professionals are paid by competitors a few thousand quid a month to be able to talk about a topic ("shut up" the usurpers), to defame a topic/team/firm, etc. The greatest art is getting a troll to work for a rival firm to undermine it from within (the rivals pay even more). Sometimes, trolls are employed by the firm itself to promote its resources - in that case, the trolls organize mini-scandals between themselves, promoting various topics and the Internet resource itself.

Below - I just found an article on what to do with it.

Trolling (taken from here ) - quotes:

"The most important thing is to realise that it is the troll in front of you. This is understood from his vocabulary - a troll always comes with a sense of superiority and a 'teacher' attitude. As one put it, "I come to put the little shit in their place". His statements are always categorical, polar judgements are used, there are no undertones - only black and white. This allows him to appeal to the emotions and basic concepts of an undemanding public. Once it is clear that this is a troll, from that point on you need to be able to switch off your emotions. You give in to emotion, you lose in advance."

Troll hunting

  • "The easiest and most well-known way is to ignore it."
  • "When someone gets involved in a brawl with a troll, they forget that this dialogue will be read by other participants and focus specifically on the troll. It's useless to change the troll's mind. But the same techniques that they use work well."
  • "Trolls try to put the author in the position of making excuses. You must not do that under no circumstances! There is no need to explain anything to them. It is useless, those who are not fools understand everything themselves, there is no need to spell it out, and fools are not worth being disposed of. There is no need to shout "it's all lies!" and try to make an argument. Any attempt to whitewash yourself is immediately qualified as an excuse."
  • "When I 'go out hunting', I set a goal straight away - I must have the last word. Not because of the ban (banned means surrendered), but precisely as a result of the troll's shameful escape. I have been banned by some people in this way, trying to get the last word in - it looked very funny, because almost all the dialogue was happening in my own posts. I was making a retort to my own, like, 'another hero ran away losing his pants and drew another bumper sticker'...".

Mm... Yeah, trolls, elves, gnomes, what can they think of!

Sergey Golubev:

France v France

But at the bookmaker's office, you can bet 100% on France.

The great Lev Yashin does not live only in our hearts...


Winter. It's beautiful.
