Interesting and Humour - page 3364

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
Nah, it's just running on the ceiling.)
The ceiling is a good place to run without valerian))))

Alexandr Saprykin:
The ceiling isn't bad enough without valerian))))

On fish day .
Who trades like that?))
IadSE0-t1cM.jpg  61 kb
Somebody made 4 million and somebody lost 7 million. LCI

Jimmy Lawlor was born in Wexford in the south-east of Ireland in 1967. He worked in the field of graphic illustration, but in the 1990s decided to devote all his time to a career in art. Since then he has exhibited widely in galleries throughout Ireland and is known in England and France. He currently lives and works in Westport.

This is his website - here. And this is him (photo from his twitter account):

Some samples of his work:

tanjand February 4th, 2013     Jimmy Lawlor.
tanjand February 4th, 2013 Jimmy Lawlor.
  • 2013.02.04
"Очень приятно слышать, как посмеивается зритель в галерее, значит он видит что-то в работе, что напоминает ему о том, что действительно было в его жизни. Я люблю видеть чувства в лицах людей,  искренность, очарование и блеск в глазах." Jimmy Lawlor родился в 1967 году в графстве Wexford на юго - востоке Ирландии. Работал в...
I will accept the donation of a 100% truthful weather forecast for next week.

(Just a phrase that immediately 'cropped up' when reading one thread...)
Sergey Golubev:

The temperature will be above 0 kelvin, there will be wind, the humidity will not be more than 100%



The temperature will be above 0 kelvin, there will be wind, the humidity will not be more than 100%


Sailing enthusiasts may disagree.

Oh yeah!!!! I'm a sailing enthusiast, not a good sailor who hasn't sunk his ship once. SURGUT 2015.


Is the one who sunk a good sailor?

"Not once" - does that mean that the more he sinks the better sailor?