Interesting and Humour - page 576


Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on his flight with the Siberian Cranes, responding to political comparisons by the opposition.

"Indeed, not everyone flew," he said at the press conference following the APEC summit, "Only the weak cranes did not fly. And that was on the first try. On the second attempt, they all flew.

What bad birds, they didn't follow the tsar himself.))) And it was the birds' fault, he was too weak for our tsar. The Kremlin sometimes says such nonsense that one can hardly believe it. You don't even have to make it up, it's so funny. ))))









How was the kebab in the mountains? Where are the pictures?
How was the kebab in the mountains? Was it good? Where are the pictures?

No photos were taken. It was just the two of us and my wife. It was an ordinary enough event to take pictures. The forest is still green.

You'd better tell me which one of you and Freddy are fucking around in the dough.


No photos were taken. It was just the two of us and my wife. It was an ordinary enough event to take pictures. The forest is still green.

By the way, it's kind of green here too. And damp. We haven't had any summer and autumn is swampy.

You'd better tell me which one of you and Freddie are fucking with who in the dough.

I can't. That's pornography, and you can't do that.