Interesting and Humour - page 3987


Please do not start politicising the topic again.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Interesting and Humorous

Rashid Umarov, 2017.08.07 14:28

Attention all members of the community!

For any posts with politics, which provoke the participants of the branch to mutual squabbles and insults, will be banned for a week. This applies primarily to attacks/mockery on national and territorial grounds. Discussion of historical facts in favour of this or that country/people, under the guise of objectivity, will also be purged.

Anyone who joins in the discussion of such provocative posts will be banned, no matter what you write in response to such a post. We are forced to take such measures to maintain order in the thread.


Creepy footage.

Anatoli Kazharski:

Creepy footage.

The news said gusts up to 300 km/hour (I translated that from m/s)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

On the news they said gusts up to 300 km/hour (I translated that from m/s)

On Russia 24 they said so, "up to 300 km/hour" - I didn't even have to count it.

Hi there!

What is the prognosis for the Euro?

Thank you !

I assume a move down with a timeframe of 18 Sep. (Futures expiry) , there is already an overrun I will consider as a probable false breakdown.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I was on a business trip, I wasn't visiting, but the portions in the cafes were enough for three

I used to leave 2/3 of it all the time, and I got fat, though I didn't eat fast food, Mexican or Indian food, that sort of thing

but the portions are really for three

and then you wonder how you got obese...
When I got shortness of breath, I got on the scale and surprised at 110 kg. It took me six months without dieting to get to 75, I just put limits on food, ate everything, but in smaller quantities than before.


Alexey Volchanskiy:

The news said gusts up to 300 km/hour (I translated that from m/s)

Storm season and Hurricane Ivanka: how the Atlantic is experiencing several natural disasters at once >>>

Hurricane Irma continues to rage in the Caribbean at the same time. It is described as the most powerful in the Atlantic in the last 10 years. On Wednesday and Thursday it reached its maximum, fifth category of power. Wind speeds exceeded 295 km/h, with gusts of up to 380 km/h. "Irma was stronger than Hurricane Harvey, which struck the USA in late August and caused extensive damage and flooding in the state of Texas. However, the hurricane was already weakened by Friday and was downgraded to hurricane category 4 again.

In August, there was Hurricane Harvey. And this month there are already three hurricanes, one after the other, Irma, Jose and Katia.

Сезон штормов и ураган «Иванка»: как Атлантика переживает сразу несколько стихийных бедствий
Сезон штормов и ураган «Иванка»: как Атлантика переживает сразу несколько стихийных бедствий
  • 2017.09.08
В Атлантическом океане за последнюю неделю сформировались три мощных урагана: «Ирма», «Хосе» и «Катя». Последний возник в Мексиканском заливе. Сначала ему был присвоен статус тропического шторма, но сегодня Национальный центр США по предупреждению ураганов (NHC) повысил уровень его опасности. Шторм становится ураганом, когда скорость ветра...
Anatoli Kazharski:

Creepy footage.

How are they creepy? It's always been like this in these segments of the globe, nothing new at all. Just because members of a certain species don't like it, it doesn't mean that it's not good for members of other species, either. Sharks, for example, are fine with it. No one is forcing anyone to live in such territory.

Nikolay Kositsin:

How creepy are they? This has always been the case in these segments of the globe, nothing new at all. Just because members of a certain species don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not good for members of other species, either. Sharks, for example, are fine with it. No one is forcing anyone to live in such territory.

Well, maybe, when you look from aside, they are not so horrible, as long as they are not blown away together with their house or lifted into the clouds.