Interesting and Humour - page 4455


And rightly so, or ironically you'll end up there yourself.

Aleksandr Volotko:

And rightly so, or ironically you'll end up there yourself.


I wonder why the order book is called a tumbler in Russian?

Peculiarities of national trading?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I wonder why the order book is called a tumbler in Russian?

Peculiarities of national trading?

It is not our tradition!

At a stock exchange in London, traders were banned from the tradition of drinking
RBC News
The London Metal Exchange (LME) has decided to ban the consumption of alcohol during working hours by traders involved in live trading. This was reported by the Financial Times, citing sources.
According to the newspaper, traders who set global benchmarks for copper, nickel and aluminium will not be able to consume alcohol during working hours. They may be fined or suspended from trading if they violate the requirements.
The new rules were announced on 13 June. According to the Financial Times, there are 120 participants in trading at Finsbury Square in London.
The newspaper notes that during the exchange's 142 years of existence, its traders have introduced a tradition of lingering alcoholic brunches. The head of Britain's Brexit party, Nigel Farage, writes the Financial Times, described how such brunches took place, which he participated in as a stock trader before moving into politics. In one hour, he said, brunch participants could drink half the weekly recommended dose of alcohol.


I heard this expression yesterday:

When you're dead, you don't know it, only it's hard for others. It's the same when you're dumb...
Igor Makanu:

it's not our tradition!

Traders on the London Stock Exchange have been banned from the tradition of drinking

The management of the stock exchange has grown old, they probably do not understand young people any more.

They must have drank their livers out in their own time, and now they're teaching us. Hypocrites...

Igor Makanu:

that's not our tradition!

At the London Stock Exchange, traders have been banned from the tradition of drinking

Er, how do you even trade then!?


I want a nightingale like that

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I want a nightingale like this

Have you thought about the people around you, especially those with a weak heart and psyche....When you go and consider shopping for your birdie rings, mirrors, goodies... and outside your home, or rather what's left of it, masks show climbing in ruins and surroundings flooded with gravy...;)