Interesting and Humour - page 2925


Brain abortion)

Valeriy Krynin:

Brain abortion)

There's a ban for advertising, I don't know why the author of the post hasn't been banned yet )

I think it's called a viral reel, like look at the horror of it, it's a laugh.

Valeriy Krynin:

Brain abortion)

Clearly an amateurish branch on its own.

A woman is made to keep a man from dying of happiness
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

There's a ban for advertising, I don't know why the author of the post hasn't been banned yet.)

I think it's called a viral reel, like look at the horror, it's ridiculous.

Last time this music was a commercial for the Russian Post. So soon Sber will have the same quality of service as the post office?

In South Africa, an ostrich entered one of the world's biggest cycling races, the Cape Argus Tour. It jumped out from behind the bushes and chased two cyclists. The video was captured on camera by Alexey Mishchenko, who took part in the bike marathon.

"It was a little scary at first, but then I already thought I would fall off my bike from laughing," he wrote under the video. Mishchenko claims that it was not difficult for the ostrich to maintain a speed of 50km/h.

"I assume he wanted to show off to his girlfriend. I bet she was impressed," the cyclist wrote.

Pavel Gotkevitch:

In South Africa, an ostrich entered one of the world's biggest cycling races, the Cape Argus Tour. It jumped out from behind the bushes and chased two cyclists. The video was captured on camera by Alexey Mishchenko, who took part in the bike marathon.

"It was a little scary at first, but then I already thought I would fall off my bike from laughter," he wrote under the video. Mishchenko claims that it was not difficult for the ostrich to maintain a speed of 50km/h.

"I assume he wanted to show off to his girlfriend. I bet she was impressed," the cyclist wrote.

ha... they're speeding up.) record breaker.)
Pavel Levin:
ha... they're getting faster.) They're going for the record.)
It was an ostrich chasing cyclists.