FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012)

Macd55 01.07.2012 09:55
Long term forecast for Euro, 1.4215, 1.6430, 1.1874 low will not be updated. This is my last post here on the topic of the branch, I will try not to touch the issue of trading in the future, let the brother Ishim carry on up and down on the minutes.
Hello, The low of 1.1874 will not be updated, the low of 1.24071 is possible?

Current situation for the indices and the euro group

Macd55 01.07.2012 09:55
Long term forecast for Euro, 1.4215, 1.6430, 1.1874 low will not be updated. This is my last post here on the topic of the branch, I will try not to touch the issue of trading in the future, let the brother Ishim carry on the minutes up and down.
Hello, The low of 1.1874 will not be updated, the low of 1.24071 is possible?

Answered in the old one, 1.21+ not ruled out.
nexter 01.07.2012 11:23

1.21+ is not out of the question.

nexter, what does the summit have to do with it? I basically never take news, political decisions, events, even force majeure into account, because they can only have a short-term effect on price movement, nothing more.

But what has a long term influence on the price?

Well, for example the central bank interest rate is the highest of the major rates in Australia (EUR CAD CHF USD GBP).

nexter 01.07.2012 11:23

1.21+ is not out of the question.

nexter, what does the summit have to do with it? I basically never take news, political decisions, events, even force majeure into account, because they can only have a short-term effect on price movement, nothing more.

But what has a long term influence on the price?

For example the central bank interest rate is the highest of the major rates in Australia EUR CAD CHF USD GBP

Wellstrangerr kinda denies fundamental too :)
Strangerr seems to deny fundamentals as well :)

He works intraday so he does not care and big investors when they decide where to keep their money,

they probably look at rates and the situation in the country in the first place

nexter 01.07.2012 11:23

1.21+ not ruled out.

nexter, what does the summit have to do with it? I basically never take news, political decisions, events, even force majeure into account, as they can only have a short-term effect on price movement, nothing more.

But what has a long term influence on the price?

The current Australian central bank interest rate is the highest of the major currencies EUR CAD CHF USD GBP

It's not that, the Aussies will cut the interest rate and? Maybe we will fall a couple of figures or even less, or maybe they will go down and rise. There are subjects in the market that earn huge money and they will not do what most people expect and when they expect it, otherwise they will stop earning. If we are going to talk about the interest rate, then this example: Australian Central Bank announces lowering of the interest rate, what happens in our branch? Everybody buys and sells, the price goes down indeed, and people rejoice and take profit.) Need I say more?)))

Demand and supply influences and is aimed at taking the dough from us and putting it in your pocket, contrary to all kinds of news, "hard facts", divisions, crossing one line with another, etc.

Wellstrangerr seems to be in denial about the fundamentals as well :)

Many people are selling the Euro right now based on the "fundamentals". We can rely on insider information, but it is not broadcast on TV, not printed in newspapers and not thrown on the net.

He works intraday so he does not care, but big investors do when they decide where to keep their money,

they probably look at the rates and the situation in the country in the first place

Not just intraday, I can hold a deal for a week or a month or more if the conditions are right.

Many people are now in a sell-off in the Euro on the basis of the "fundamentals". We can rely on insider information, but it is not broadcast on TV, not printed in newspapers and not thrown on the net.
Exactly, according to COT reports, there are a lot of suckers in shorts now)

It is not like that, the Aussies will lower the interest rates and? Maybe they will decrease by a couple of figures or even less, or may be on the contrary, they will go a bit down and may grow. There are subjects in the market that earn huge money and they will not do what most people expect and when they expect it, otherwise they will stop earning. If we are going to talk about the interest rate, then let us consider this example: Australian Central Bank announces its interest rate cut, what happens here? Everybody buys and sells, the price goes down indeed, and people rejoice and take profit.) Need I say more?)))

Supply and demand influences and is aimed at taking the dough from us and putting it in our pockets, contrary to all kinds of news, "hard facts", divisions, crossing one line of another, etc.

It's not about that - put yourself in the shoes of a big investor, say you have 1 mio (CAD), why sit the whole day?

staring into the monitor when you can convert (CAD---AUD) money into an Australian bank account and no risk

positions are not opened (and there is an impact on the market as a whole)