FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 534


If you think about it, just say.

"It's a long way from you to me, and from me to you, just call:) "

American billionaire and investor Warren Buffett has given away $1.9 billion of his fortune to charity. According to the Associated Press, the donations were given in the form of shares in the Berkshire Hathaway investment fund he heads.

In total, Buffett gave away 22.4 million shares. The Bill & Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation received the largest portion of the donations, about $1.5 billion (18.4 million shares). The organization supports health care and science, and Buffett himself had previously said he intended to give a large portion of his fortune to it.

He has given another 1.8 million securities to his own foundation and to three foundations founded by his children. 238 shares were given to eight unidentified charities. In addition, the billionaire gave away ten shares each to 15 high school students - finalists of discussions on economic and business development.

Earlier Buffet stated that he intended to give away more than 99% of his fortune to charity. In June 2010 the investor, along with Microsoft chief executive Bill Gates, launched The Giving Pledge, urging rich people to donate at least half of their money to charity. Organisers said they did not plan to personally distribute the donations.

Several dozen billionaires have joined The Giving Pledge. Among them are filmmaker George Lucas, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, financier Carl Icahn, among others.

Warren Buffett's fortune is estimated at $44.1 billion. The investor earned the nickname "The Oracle of Omaha" for his unmistakable predictions and accurate understanding of the economic situation. In April 2012, the billionaire announced that he had been diagnosed with cancer.


Rita, so what? My ex-son-in-law (father of my granddaughter and not a bad man) also has cancer.

Stop it.

I will close the trade I mentioned earlier here on profit when the price reaches the opposite channel boundary.


Guys, can you show me where the pound is going, I'm old and dumb, sorry...

Bought at 5669.

I bought the Euroyenne at 95.90.

Brother Ishim sleeps and dreams of horny ones)))
what is the stop on the pound
what's the stop on the pound

5616, euro yen 95.42

well there you go! you can do it! that's how you behave on the forum))))

how great were you yesterday? eh? especially Strange and Tantrik))))


well there you go! you can do it! that's how you behave on the forum))))

how great were you yesterday? eh? especially Strange and Tantrik))))

Trying to)))) And why did he cross himself, everyone calls him Tantric anyway)))

The bears will be punished today))) In a twisted way)