FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 391

Have you forgotten how they bought with gusto after the summit? The euphoria wore off and they went back down. so here too - without foundations they will go back down.

Anything is possible...
I told you they started buying two days ago, while Margo was hiding behind the fundamentals, it's bullshit, we should look at the volumes, people still do not believe it on Oanda, everyone is selling at all levels, dollar optimists))

do you think the index will fall further? (I have a pullback).


well what can i say, there is a lot of interest in greece. If they will go to restructuring to hhz, we may run down by 2-3 figures.

So that's later, now there is probably no point in even thinking before Monday, the comrades may as well go down now, on this wave of smoke screen you may not even see the big guys' actions))

When the smoke clears, we may analyze)))


do you think the index will fall further? (I'm having a pullback)

after the pullback.

do you think the index will fall further? (I have a pullback)

I can see a pullback on H1 if it is a pullback ?

H4 does not show a pullback yet

after a setback
After a pullback, the quid will still fall - until the next trend.
There's also some dudes on 2292, judging by the reaction of the price, they've bought some)



do you think the index will fall further? (I'm having a pullback)

The dollar index is flat. It will go back up.
The big guys were earning whisky today=) tomorrow they'll go out drinking and munching =)