FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 65


Market operators are in the longs - it's about to go up! I just want to be able to buy on the pullback... :-)

the market operators are mythical. the gods wiped away their tears looking at the power and majesty of the market operators, surfing the faceless web with their eternally global forecasts. back up the market operator and you will get a stylish cap and badge that says i trust the market operators !

the gods wiped away their tears looking at the power and majesty of market operators, furrowing the faceless expanse of the internet with their eternally global forecasts. support a market operator and you will get a stylish cap and badge that says i trust market operators !!!

The "market operators" have one thing in mind: to specifically put a stop to naive prediction aficionados such as ourselves.

If the price followed the TA precisely, we would all have been sailing the Caribbean on our yachts ...


The market tried to turn towards the north, but it failed, it just spoiled the air when it was pushing.

And the pound is going towards its targets, which it set on Monday.

Waiting for the others to join him.


The market tried to turn towards the north, but it did not succeed, it just spoiled the air when it was pushing.

And the pound is going towards its targets, which it set on Monday.

Waiting for the others to join him.

that's why it's clear that this pairing doesn't include the word EUR.

Who are they? mythical market operators no less mythical than the dolls. the gods wiped away their tears looking at the power and greatness of market operators, furrowing the faceless expanse of the internet with their eternally global forecasts. back up the market operator and you will get a stylish cap and badge that says i trust market operators !!!

:-) Thank you.

I've got other plates in stock: example no.1, no.2... :-)


Looks like a reversal to 1.2585

And on GBPUSD the fold meter is drawing=)


The 'market operators' have one goal - to specifically put a stop to naive forecast lovers like us.

If the price were clearly in line with TA, we would all have been sailing the Caribbean on our yachts long ago...

I do not want to upset you, but the way they are presented... I don't think they know anything about you and me. I would compare them to aliens from dimension 228 who don't give a damn about what's here)))

The Euro/Dollar important levels are: 1.2830, 1.2797, 1.2743, 1.2712, 1.2560, 1.2527, 1.2505, 1.2476 and 1.2409. Here we follow the development of the ascending structure from June 28. Short-term downward movement, we expect in the corridor of 1.2712 - 1.2743, breakdown of the last value should be followed by a pronounced upward movement, in this case the target is 1.2797. Potential value for the upside, we consider level 1.2830, upon the achievement of which we expect consolidation. Short-term downside movement, we expect after the breakdown of 1.2560, which will have negative impact on the upside pattern of June 28, here targets are not identified. The range 1.2527-1.2505 is the key support for the upside, its breakdown will allow the expectation of movement to 1.2476, before this level we expect the beginning of the downside cycle.
Therefore we have 2505,2527,2540 and 2560 to bounce to the upside, in case we fail to reach 2540
Trading recommendations:
Buy: 1.2712 Take profit: 1.2740
Buy: 1.2745 Take profit: 1.2795
Sell: 1.2560 Take profit: 1.2540
Sell: 1.2505 Take profit: 1.2480



Who's smaller?


:-) On the subject of news: this Friday is the release of Pellroys - here's the TC, also here and here - TC description + see Leprechaun magazine #19. p.83.

Will be trying it out myself...

This method is called the Paramon method, I tried it out back in 2005). So, on that day, I caught two elks in both directions)). My aim was to get rid of 700 Baci (I traded the full lots, it was not a mini-MicroForex yet). And the situation was different when I was flying 100-200 Pips per minute, now I don't have such a strong reaction - the method is irrelevant)