FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 411

Why 1.2050 you did not buy? There will be an uptrend (two trends per week and per month) 1.2360 and it will be.

Bought and limiters bay stand at the bottom just in case... the gold by the way can be rolled back... notice the possible

Hi strangerr, advise at the level of 1.2415-1.2450 do we have anything from the contracts, why do I think in that area we can already try to go down 100 pips?

Hi. Minus 10 pips from the price shown on the screenshot.

the new zealander went a little early again, the euras after him...
what mittens?))) i have swimming trunks waiting downstairs, and you put on felt boots))))
right! what north or did you find a gold mine in Spain? (maybe i'm behind the times...(()
That's right! What north or have they found a gold mine in Spain? (Maybe I'm out of touch...(()

reindeer now come to me in the south... shit
That's right! What north or have they found a gold mine in Spain? (Maybe I'm out of touch...(()
They say a large oil field was found near Rome)))
They say they found a big oil field near Rome)))
So the money for that oil is already gone.
they say they found a big oil field near Rome)))

and also - Crash publisher Giorgos Trangas suggests that Merkel should be sent to the International Criminal Court in The Hague on charges of crimes against humanity.

p.s. For those who like to read recommendations - The chief executive of Japanese investment bank Nomura Holdings has resigned in a high-profile scandal involving illegal transactions involving confidential information. Allegedly, bank employees gave clients information about the stock offering before it was officially announced.

The company also admitted that in 2010 some of its employees disclosed important information about a planned flotation by energy firm Inpex, as well as Mizuho Financial Group and Tokyo Electric Power.

It reminds me of "Brilliant Hand" - let's all sit down and relax.


and also - Crash publisher Giorgos Trangas suggests sending Merkel to the International Criminal Court in The Hague on charges of crimes against humanity.

Well, you're right not to give a shit and let her go to jail, I'd rather help ... Fascists)))
Traders stay away from market ahead of US GDP report

With the publication of the US GDP data expected tonight, investors are not opening new positions for the time being and intervention remains more and more likely. The dollar has been trading in a narrow range for several days and the probability of currency intervention will increase if the USD/JPY falls below 78.00.
Economists think that US GDP grew by 1.3% in the 2nd quarter of 2012 compared to +1.9% in the previous quarter. Weaker data would cause the USD to fall as there are stop orders to sell. The dollar could fall to 77.50 yen.
The Euro could rise to 1.2330 if traders reduce their existing short positions on the Euro, but the long-term trend for the Euro remains downtrending due to Europe's debt problems.
European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi, yesterday said that the ECB is ready to take any necessary action within its mandate to save the euro. The single currency rose sharply on these statements.