FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 288

It froze again. Is it going down? Shouldn't there be any bad news today, or did I miss something?

No hands:) Robots graze on their own))) It's trading on the DWL&EWA TS.

2Run, difficult, yes. Teapot's already chamouring by the evening.

Where can I see this TS?

If you can not hard to throw a link to get acquainted?


This one's about Tantrik ))))

The work of a trader and a shaman has a lot in common - both of them mutter incomprehensible words, perform incomprehensible actions and cannot explain how it works....

someone shove a candle north please, i have to go to the shop ))))

cups here are saucers - it's the law of the genre to go down.

Where can I see about this TC?

If you don't mind, can you throw in some links for me to read?

google what?

It's not clear... I don't understand...))

cups here saucers - it's the law of the genre to go down

I'll get the can... saucers aren't enough for me)))

The classic triangle Gunn drew


and google for what?

it's not clear... I don't get it)))

there's DML&EWA, and the man wrote about


No hands:)) Robots graze by themselves)))) This is trading on the DWL&EWA.

I must have made a typo, so I wanted to clarify.
cups here saucers - it's the law of the genre to go down
yeah.... it would be the law of the genre.... for the eura...

Good afternoon!!! Cups, saucers, it's still flat, maybe there'll be some action tonight. Friday!


At 10:00 MSK, Germany will release data on producer price movements for June which may shed some light on the situation with inflationary pressures in the country.

In the United States, nothing interesting is on the horizon.

Very disappointing :(.