FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 396

I feel we'll come back just as we took off. There's Sultonov's turkey, there he is

Чую, вернемся мы так же, как и взлетели. А вот и индюк Султонова, вот он

where is he?)

Here comes Sultonov's turkey, here it is

Knocked out)

We may start making adjustments, but not until later:

At night or tomorrow.

now, and then we'll be overhyped! (it's going to be a divorce in short) I'm looking at the pendants.

Knocked out)

The pink line - that's where we'll go, if the turkey is to be believed. But we can go back anyway, at least halfway. Actually, it's not the turkey, it's the drawing that's to blame.
now, and then to the overhay! (in short, it will be a trick) I put the pendants on.

On a buy?

Near contract, just above, at 1.2290-1.23, volumes are gathering like clouds, it's going to rain soon))) The question is where it's going to drop.

I like this point.

I should warn everybody at once, as for the correction level, it is pure guessing, my assumption, not based on anything.


On a buy?

Near contract, just above, at 1.2290-1.23 volumes are gathering like clouds, it's going to rain soon))) The question is where it's going to drop.

I like this point.

I would like to warn everybody at once, as to the correction level, it is pure guessing, my assumption, which is not based on anything.

I'm thinking 1.2200.

I think for 1.2200.

Now we are just guessing, we carry it through)

Frankly speaking, I am not interested in it till the next week, I will have time to analyze everything at the weekend, and next week I am interested only in buy entry from the pullback, if nothing changes, sells do not interest me at all, I closed some orders, some of them are in boo, smoking. The general situation is like this:

Apparently the M15 is not ready for a reversal tomorrow yet....
So what are the Yanks smoking? They also want to raise a lot of quid))))