FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 79


Croatia could become a full member of the EU in a year's time.

Where do they want to go)))))) in the common meat grinder

The EU meat grinder is a plastic toy compared to the Ukrainian one :)))

The momentum is about to start

At 14:00 MSK, Germany will release information on industrial orders for May. As analysts forecast, orders rose by 0.2% after declining by 1.9% a month earlier, which may have a favorable effect on the single European currency's exchange rate.

Pound traders' attention will be riveted on the Bank of England's meeting that will result in the publication of the key interest rate at 15:00 MSK. In general, the market expects the rate to remain at 0.5%, while the important statements of representatives of the central bank on the development of the British economy and planned measures to stimulate economic growth may be important.

Also on Thursday, the European Central Bank will hold a meeting and at 15:45 MSK the key interest rate will be published. In light of the growing euro zone debt crisis, investors are becoming increasingly confident that the ECB will cut its interest rate from 1.00% to 0.75%.

At 16:15 MSK dollar fans are advised to pay attention to the release of the ADP employment indicator for June in the United States. On average the market expects the indicator to rise by 104K after it had increased by 133K a month earlier and that might have a negative impact on the national currency.

At 16:30 Moscow timeframe, there will be information on initial claims for unemployment benefits during the previous week. This indicator often has a strong effect on the USD dynamics.

At 18:00 MSK the ISM non-manufacturing economic conditions index will be published in the USA. According to market average forecasts the index declined from 53.7 to 53.0 and that could be a negative signal for the national currency.

At 19:00 Moscow time the EIA oil, gasoline and distillate inventories in the USA over the past week will be released.

Don't forget to fasten your seatbelts ))


There you go... drooling again ))))

The EU meat grinder is a plastic toy compared to the Ukrainian one :)))
do you think our russia is better? )))) we sat in a cafe at lunch and laughed at the officials who talk on camera about the need to increase the share of small and medium-sized businesses, and then in reality they oppress them in all sorts of ways....

There you go... drooling again )))

here's another poker))) she's about to smack someone in the head ))))
I understand that the buy orders on 2505 went in, and they went well.
I understand the buy orders at 2505 went in, and they went well.

I don't know what the point of buying is if we can go down now.

It will be lucky if the upside breaks through.


There you go... drooling again )))


and the point is to buy if we can bounce back down now.

That's lucky if the upside breaks through.

I'm talking about the crowd that's got their pins set on 2505

It kind of needs to go down to get them down, of course.