FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 263


The most important thing is to be careful, there is a huge break to the top.

Putting stop taps and a small TP.

Insider? ))))
Insider? ))))

The indies lined up who packed their bags yesterday.

Yes and it confirmed yesterday's pictures that I posted.

But, they have to go down a bit more, but it will break out from there.

The dollar index did not go up, but a bearish candlestick did.

All these factors indicate for a breakthrough.)


The indyuks are lined up, who packed their bags yesterday.

Yes and it confirmed yesterday's pictures that I posted.

But, they have to go down a bit more, but it will break out from there.

The dollar index did not go up, but a bearish candlestick did.

All these factors indicate for a breakthrough.)

How far down are we going? I don't think we'll go below 1.226...
Insider? ))))
Sanya, mine sold out too))
And how far down will we go? I think we will not go lower than 1.226...

1,224 +-

If we break well below it, the road to 1.215 is open.


I put my TP at 1.2260.

We also need to watch the news to see where it all goes after that.

Sanya, mine also sold out)))
She's breeding like a drosophila fly))))

Phew, that went according to plan.

I also pounded the pound. I'm waiting for it at 1.5600-1.5590.

It's in a triangle and it's as wobbly as the eu.

no go
no go
Why not?