FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 252


Ahem. The strange thing is... With enviable consistency, once a week a new person appears calling everyone to the "barricades" and then disappears... Where do they all go?

There will be no barricades, there will be a "cup" turned upside down.
there will be no barricade - there will be a "cup" upside down.
they don't work, do they?)))
they don't work, do they?)))
well, there will be the first one - then we'll see (bottom of the cup 1.2140)
Well, there will be the first one - then we'll see (bottom of the cup 1.2140)

1.2140 I wish your assumptions were correct =)

It pours beautifully )))
here will be the first - then we'll see (bottom of the cup 1.2140)

oh yeah!

i have a tp to 1 village there))))

the second to 1.208


oh yeah!

i have a tp to 1 village there))))

second to 1,208

I have a long awaited profit there=) yesterday I jammed the whole depo
i have a long awaited profit there=) yesterday i bumped all the depo's

If you have a dozen of them or you can afford a new one tomorrow, why not...

Well, there will be the first one - then we'll see (bottom of the cup 1.2140)

brother Ishimchik, show me...

If you can afford a dozen depots or a new one tomorrow, why not...

No, not a dozen=) but I'm still in the '+', yesterday I got lucky and it came out very well=) eh... fools luck ...