FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 258

How's Bernie doing? There's no movement...

ECONOMY 18-Jul 16:02 USA, Fed: The text of Bernanke's speech today is similar to yesterday's.

Hello, everyone! Haven't seen you here in a while...


ECONOMY 18-Jul 16:02 USA, Fed: The text of today's speech by Fed Chairman Bernanke is similar to yesterday's.

Hi all! Haven't looked in here in a while...

The Fed governor Bernanke's speech is similar to yesterday's. He says that the U.S. is in trouble because Europe is better off =)

Worried that I did not print enough money =) nothing, I have time till December =)

Found similar bars in the history, probably will test the bottoms, and then will correct for the north till September. And then QE3 and hz =)


The US is bad in the US because Europe is a little better=)

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appelant - They create a desert and call it peace
How much longer is he going to keep on jabbering?

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appelant

chago ??? =) and in russian?

grinds it out for the incomprehensible=)

Yeah. In fact, in my humble experience, I think these are the kind of candles to go up.



pound, 5m -\


Yeah. In general, in my humble experience, I think this is the kind of candle to go up.

1.2407 is probably where we'll stop. Tomorrow the unemployment figures will show how soon we are there...

euro-japanese is almost a copy of the day before yesterday's move... I am going to risk=) to go long by 30 pips

1.2270 - last top sell - see you all at 21

To 1.2407 most likely we will stop there. Tomorrow the unemployment data will show how soon we will get there.

I don't know, may be we will go up in general - the divergence in the weeks (from the history it is usually the beginning of a new trend).

But if it's broken, it's fucked. For now, it's 'miracle time')) For three days I've been in b/w.