FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 160


it looks like we'll fall a bit and then we might go up, but not for long...

You see this week's downward flat?

Where's our Margot gone? Did you piss her off?


Indeed, will go down a little more as the Bay Line (purple) looms:

Yusuf! On your indicator I see two lines, a thicker purple one and a thinner one. Which one means what? Shall we follow the thicker one? Or in the middle?

Well I think 1.2288 and down again.

The eur is not doing too well at all.

Well I think 1.2288 and down again.
Now we have to take 1.231...and then we can go down)))
Did anyone sell the euro/yen at the beginning of last week?
I wonder why they went up so much...did the insider get in?
there's still nothing on jews....

look closely, it's been there:

Not reading the forum, breaking down before the american session.

It's like this now:


It's like this now:

The site is still raw, it often fails to let you in.