FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 47

Time works for buy. Bye.
Time works for buy. Bye.

is it building up strength? for a shot? where is the pullback then?

Is he saving his strength for a shot? Where's the recoil then?

The prognosis for the shot is contradictory.

More likely yes than no. Intensity accordingly.



the news would be some empty-headed, so that the euro gets a boost up.... to slide to 1.2870, and then you can safely and logically descend.....))) it will probably not be today..... but Friday ... even if you climb the fence )


the turkeys have turned the pooch towards bai...maybe something will move in the next hour.... I'll vote for bai!!! )


the turkeys have turned the pooch towards bai...maybe something will move in the next hour.... I'll vote for bai!!! )

i voted for it yesterday\
USD/CAD: Bids 1.0130/40 ahead of tech support 1.0121 (200 day MA), offers 1.0190/00 - wait for pullback at 0200, order in progress)

Yesterday early.... I was waiting for a rollback.... and it's not certain that it was cancelled....


bull in the fall )))))))))))))