FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 262


nice toy=) share=)

and here's another beauty was...:-)))) still works...

100% winning trades, it's not a 'beauty' at all, it's sitting out a drawdown ...
100% winning trades, it's not the "beauty" to sit out a drawdown ...

there's already been a discussion about slippage...

why don't you sit them out on half a deposit... otherwise what's the point of a deposit ? money has to work...:-)))


if of course any slump is some kind of internal tragedy... then yeah, sure...

and i don't care when the margin is already red... and nothing since May, I'm still skiing as far as Peking...

Well, to each his own.
Well, to each his own.
The main thing is to believe that you are an eagle and the stupid americans cannot trade at all...:-))

Hi all! Expected today:

At 10:00 MSK, Switzerland will report the trade balance for June, with the average expectation being that its surplus has narrowed from 2.484 billion francs to 2 billion francs.

At 12:00 noon MSK, Italy will release data on industrial orders in Italy for May, while the eurozone's current account balance for the same month will be released at the same time.

At 12:30 PM UK will release retail sales statistics for June.

On Thursdays at 16:30 MSK, the United States will traditionally publish weekly data on initial claims for unemployment benefits.

At 18:00 MSC we will find out how many homes were sold on the US secondary market in June - the number is expected to rise from 4.55 million to 4.6 million. At the same time there will be the June change in the index of leading indicators for which we expect the growth slowdown from 0.3% to 0.1% and the Philadelphia Fed's business activity index for July - this indicator may rise from -16: point to -7.0 points.

repeat today? I sold out....
repeat today? i sold....

Well I closed yesterday's bai, now I'm in the sell again )

There's a rollback coming, why not take advantage ))


The most important thing is to be careful, there is a huge break to the top.

Putting stop taps and a small TP.