FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 251


"On 21 December 2012, the 99-year chart (money machine lease) given to the Federal Reserve (Fed) by the US Congress in 1913 expires.

In order to extend the lease on 21 December 2012, the Fed would not only need a majority vote in the Senate and House of Representatives, but also three quarters of the votes of each of the 50 state legislatures. It is no secret that it will be very difficult to do so, given the enormous debt and the depreciation of the dollar which is not tied to gold. The gold certificates that the Fed pays for printing dollars are only redeemable in gold, but the Fed hasn't had gold for a long time."

Who will print money after 21 December?

I think that the dollars will not be printed.....:)
I think that the dollars will not be printed.....:)
What won't they be printing specifically? ))

Who's going to be printing money after 21 December?

Will it be a private contractor? Or some DelaRue from the hated EU? Circus...

"On 21 December 2012, the 99-year chart (money machine lease) given to the Federal Reserve (Fed) by the US Congress in 1913 expires.

In order to extend the lease on 21 December 2012, the Fed would not only need a majority vote in the Senate and House of Representatives, but also three quarters of the votes of each of the 50 state legislatures. It is no secret that it will be very difficult to do so, given the enormous debt and the depreciation of the dollar which is not tied to gold. The gold certificates that the Fed pays for printing dollars are only redeemable in gold, but the Fed hasn't had gold for a long time."

Who will print money after 21 December?

There was some interesting information about the the link seems to be... but I've lost it...if you remember where it was...suggest pages or repeat the old link...
Is it a private contractor? Or some DelaRue from the hated EU? Circus...
I think we'll go back to the gold standard after all, and the dollar will be replaced by the "hated" euro, only not in such a perverted form. I bought gold again out of fear ))

Holy prostate.


Either correct the letter or put the accent


Holy prostate.
you're on fire, go for it =))))

The holy prostate. We will move into the age of endless e-credits.
Uh-huh, cash will be abolished and then how to get away from taxes? ))

Sancti prostate.
The Latin for "sancti prostate" is very noble =)))
Latin for "sancti prostate" =)))
In real life, it's all over the (bleep) again .... I'm sorry, it's through the orifice of the scrotum.