FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 401

Didn't keep track of the EA on M5 and within an hour this happened and half of the deposit was washed away.

It was brutal...
From Almaty?

How's that?)

The buying started at the beginning of the week, I wrote about it, then they made a break for it and got even more aggressive. Yesterday they bought everything at the root, pressing the price with volumes, and today they bought everything and do not want to go below the contract level. So what does this have to do with the news?

First, the situation is heated, and then someone says something - here is the effect of the news. In short, the indicator reacts to movements that are not characteristic of its history, as if it is going on strike and cursing lying down.

OK, let's not argue, with experience your opinion will change more than once)))) I know it.

Yep... I still have 0.00001 per cent experience, but I got the gist of it, Strenger said about the contract, I don't know where he got the information, but down here ATRC clearly showed growth in volume, I should have stayed home and not been eating shish kebab on the mountain climbing ))))

yeah :)

Me too.

Yep... I still have 0.00001 percent experience, but I got the gist of it, Strenger said about the contract, where he got the information from I don't know, but down here ATRC clearly showed volume growth, I should have stayed at home instead of eating shish kebab on the fucking mountain climbing ))))

You see, it is also an indicator, it means some good))))) Stranger has many years of experience, while some are thinking over his words, he has already bought and sold ten times))))
How long have you been on the forex market?

a few years
How long have you been on the forex market?

well there's a whole community, so sign me up too)))))

There is nothing difficult about trading, but the main thing is to have a trading system , without which there will be blunders.

I should have gone up on the yen and the pound today - I knew that.

There will be bloopers too, as long as you react to them in time.

So? Did you make any money?

I've been on Fora since 2006

More than me... so there is experience))