Interesting and humorous


If a man doesn't take serious things seriously, he's a fool.
If a man takes frivolous things seriously, he's a nerd.
But when a person combines these two qualities, he's a humorist!


The girl got tangled up in her purse and instead of a can of gas sprayed the maniac with Chanel. And screaming, "He's worth 3200! " almost killed the maniac.


If a man doesn't take serious things seriously, he's a fool.
If a man takes frivolous things seriously, he's a nerd.
But when a person combines these two qualities, he's a humorist!


The girl got tangled up in her purse and instead of a can of gas sprayed the maniac with Chanel. And screaming, "He's worth 3200! " almost killed the maniac.

If a person does not take serious things seriously, he is a fool.
If a person is serious about things that are not serious, he is a nerd.
But when these two qualities are combined in a person, he is a stupid nerd.

Meaningless things

- Open the fridge, look at it and close it.
- to look at the time on your mobile phone and immediately forget it.
- peep into a tube tunnel, waiting for the train to come, as if that would make it go faster.
- shuffle in a queue, even though it's not moving.
- move the mouse across the screen when something is loading, as if that will cause it to load faster
- highlight text with the mouse while reading
- to look away and say "I wanted to..."
- when the microwave beeps again, say "I know, I know!"
- get dressed to leave the flat, come to the computer, look at it and leave
- pour a glass of tea and don't drink it, then forget about it and pour another - when three or more glasses have accumulated, drink them all at once cold
- walk away from your car near the mall, close your car with the key fob at least 3 times, walk 50 meters and close two more times
- Read for the hundredth time the labels on the air freshener to kill time while you are relieving yourself.
- Walk from side to side on the phone
- buy one ride on the underground every time
- burn films to DVDs and throw them away without watching them.
- call the folders 111 and 222 and erase them when you run out of space because you don't know what's there.
- Ask a question again, even when you've heard it completely and are ready to answer it.
- wrap the string from the tea bag around the handle of the mug, tie it in a knot and then untangle it before washing the mug
- put a Walkman in your pocket before you go out, put earphones in your ears, then realise after a while that the Walkman is never on.
- put the keys in your pocket so you won't forget them, then look for a long, long time
- dial a number and forget who you're calling.
- Push harder on the remote control buttons when the batteries run out.
- talk to the GPS navigator if you are in a bad mood - be rude or insult it
- set 5 alarms in the morning and still get up 15 minutes before you leave
- turn off your computer before you switch off your speakers before you hear the music intro
- leaning sideways with your whole torso when you go around corners
- to avoid the cracks in the pavement.

I suggest we re-title it as in 5 -- "interesting and humorous".

Meaningless things


- moving the mouse over the screen while something is downloading, as if that would make it download faster

Oddly enough, it helped. I don't know the cause.

But while loading a movie via FF (I checked it several times, killed a lot of time) it turns out that moving the mouse while loading allows the data in the "Loading" window to be updated - and thus doesn't throw off the connection.

As soon as I stopped moving the mouse for at least a minute, the connection and download were reset.


Oddly enough, it worked. I don't know the reason.

But while downloading a movie via FF (I checked it several times, killed a lot of time) it turned out that moving the mouse during the download allows the data in the "Download" window to be updated - and thus doesn't reset the connection.

As soon as I stopped moving the mouse for at least a minute - the connection and download were reset.

You're a boring man, Shura. Such a song you've digitised.


But while downloading a movie via FF (I checked it several times, killed a lot of time) it turned out that moving the mouse during the download allows the data in the "Downloads" window to be updated - and thus doesn't reset the connection.

As soon as I stopped moving the mouse for at least a minute, the connection and the download were reset.

In Excel, if I move the mouse over the window, the speed of automation increases by an order of magnitude.
There was a story about computer centres - if you press the button on the keyboard on the terminal, it increases the CPU resource,
for that user and it made the computing go faster.
jartmailru: There was a story about computer centres - if you press a button on the keyboard on a terminal, it increases the resource of the processor,
allocated to that user and the computation went faster.
Yeah, that's very interesting too - in light of the latest versions of Turbo Boost (and possibly Turbo Core).

Oddly enough, it helped. I don't know the cause.

But while downloading a movie via FF (I checked it several times, killed a lot of time) it turns out that moving the mouse during the download allows the data in the "Downloads" window to be updated - and thus does not reset the connection.

As soon as I stopped moving the mouse for at least a minute, the connection and download would reset.

I've noticed that when the download speed in FF starts to slowly but surely drop, then updating the forum helps raise the download speed.

so in the MT4 tester it's the same thing when testing visually
crossed out, if programmers say it helps if you move the mouse - you can't argue with that, then it helps