Interesting and humorous - page 140


Is "Is there a God?" allowed to ask?
It depends on who. You can ask me. ;)

So put the question as follows: "Do you hold the top leadership of the Soviet Union and the Party leadership in Leningrad responsible for the poor supply of food to the city of Leningrad and for the suffering and deaths of millions of people during the blockade?"

I personally would have no questions about such a trial. It is clear that the perpetrators were, and the loss of life was partly their fault. But to ask whether it was necessary to surrender the city is TABU!

Who cares about your personal proceedings and taboos. Buy (set up) your own broadcaster and formulate it as you see fit.

What makes you think you can decide and tell Dozhd what to do and how to formulate it? Did the channel's editors ask you (and others who are howling) for advice?

It depends on who. I can. ;)

There's no point in asking you. You've already told me about the Great Vampire Space. ;)

Who cares about your personal proceedings and taboos. Buy (create) your own broadcaster and formulate it as you see fit.

What makes you think you can decide and tell Dozhd what to do and how to formulate it? Did the editors of the channel ask you (and others who were howling) for advice?

And now there is a law about extremism - you can turn anything into such a law. The prosecutor's office will quickly come and tell you who the TV channel is, who the editor is, and who is shit on a stick.

The hypocritical and "offended" Ura propagandons have already been flicked on the nose!

Here's a start:

"Roskomnadzor refused to issue a warning to TV channel Dozhd in connection with the poll ...."(c)

Speaking of taboos.
I don't remember if I gave an example of my hometown here or on the NTV+ forum.
In 1941, Bryansk was surrendered without a fight to the advancing German troops by decision of the Supreme High Command. So be careful about the taboo.
The same type of people, as those who have allowed starving death of almost one million civilians, now are ready to tear apart anyone who will doubt in correctness of their decisions and impose a taboo on their discussion.
So I'd rather believe the author of Cursed and Killed, Viktor Astafiev, than this mob of gluttonous detractors.

And the ISPs have received calls from above instructing them to "take down Rain under any pretext".

There is no point in asking you. You've already told me about the Great Vampire Space. ;)

There you go! I told you! And you say there's no point. Yes, it does. ;)

An elephant is stronger than a man. A tiger can eat more. Man is made to learn. To learn to conquer his fears, first and foremost.

A sign of the times - A mass epiphany: obscurantism can be dealt with!!! Holy shit... A little courage, some common sense, the internet and a couple of good questions in the middle... And the hole in your head, covered by the moralizing cudgel and the slogans "Don't touch my shrine !, TABO !!! "It becomes impossible to hide it... Fears return to their source, trying to transplant them to their descendants as a legacy... :)

Well yes. The main thing is not to surrender freedom of speech. Then mankind clearly has some hope of wisdom.


You see, in order to understand the truth, you have to consult different sources..

Really? How clever you are. I'm not saying that they should not be read, on the contrary, it is in the totality of two (three, four, etc.) views can be found the truth.
But, first, what you have presented is not a source, but the fabrications and conclusions of some (unknown and worthless) authors with their own propaganda and political agenda.
Secondly, to accept someone else's version as the truth (and the only one), and criticize your own only because it is your own and not to believe anything of your own, or even more accurately - to hate everything that is yours, it's just disgusting.
Read your link and pay attention to the way it talks about fascists and as one's own (although I don't know who is "one's own" for the authors). "The German offensive", "the Baltic fleet running away", "fascists (and never "fascists", always "Germans") are afraid of responsibility for the taken city and its population" - made you laugh. Who was Hitler going to answer to? You like reading such bullshit, please.

Really? How clever you are. I'm not saying that they should not be read, on the contrary, it is in the combination of two (three, four, etc.) views you can find the truth.
But, first, what you have presented is not a source, but the fabrications and conclusions of some (unknown and worthless) authors with their own propaganda and political agenda.
Secondly, to accept someone else's version as the truth (and the only one), and criticize your own only because it is your own and not to believe anything of your own, or even more accurately - to hate everything of yours, it's just disgusting.
Read your link and pay attention to the way it talks about fascists and as one's own (although I don't know who is "one's own" for the authors). "The German offensive", "the Baltic fleet running away", "fascists (and never "fascists", always "Germans") are afraid of responsibility for the taken city and its population" - made you laugh. Who was Hitler going to answer to? You like reading such bullshit, please.
Are you still here? I'm waiting for the anti-corruption report. Don't take too long, my patience is not rubber-stamped.


Are you still here? I'm waiting for the anti-corruption report. Don't take too long, my patience is not rubber-stamped.


You'll be poking your drinking buddies!