Interesting and humorous - page 159


Everyone has to answer for their own. Both Hitler as the global enemy (responsible for the blockade itself) and the real, direct perpetrators of the famine. Those who could well have prevented it. But chose not to.

I do not believe the court scribblers, about "heroic efforts of Zhdanovs and Zhukovs". We can see the result of these "heroic efforts" of party functionaries - hundreds of thousands of starving deaths!

It is possible not to believe journalistic investigations. It is possible to pretend not to believe the figures of M. Solonin, who with a calculator in his hand has clearly processed the official data.

But I believe Daniil Granin, Victor Astakhov, notes and journals of Leningrad blockade victims, who testify who was the real culprit.

I think the answer is long overdue. In the realm of shadows, everyone has been rewarded according to their merits. And the good memory of Zhukov will exist as long as future generations remember the war. And it is unlikely to be erased, even if your like-minded supporters come to power.

Everyone has to answer for their own. Both Hitler as the global enemy (responsible for the blockade itself) and the real, direct perpetrators of the famine. Those who could well have prevented it. But chose not to.

I do not believe the court scribblers, about "heroic efforts of Zhdanovs and Zhukovs". We can see the result of these "heroic efforts" of party functionaries - hundreds of thousands of starving deaths!

It is possible not to believe journalistic investigations and articles. One can pretend not to believe the figures of M. Solonin who with a calculator in his hand has clearly processed the official data. And proved who the culprit is.

But I believe Daniil Granin, Victor Astafjev, notes and diaries of Leningrad blockade victims which often clearly show who was really guilty.


"Only criminals could waste their people like that!" - Viktor Astafyev "Letters about the War"

So Hitler was found and he responded, so why not?

Hitler responded. Now the Stalinist "Partigenossenschaft" (no irony) should also respond.


Gitrell replied. Now the Stalinist "Partigenossenschaft" (no irony) should also respond.

And then there's the middle... and the revolutionaries who are being "strangled" by the Fabos.

Uncle Vitya, you can keep clowning around. And mock the memory of veterans in the theme. You're good at it.


"... you can't. "You're taking a holy stand! Stalin isn't enough for you! So you'll get to Zhukov!..."
By the way, the one who "gets to Zhukov" will be a true Russian writer, not an "heir". Oh, what a scion of his "father and teacher"! What a poacher of the Russian people.

He, he and Comrade Stalin burned the Russian people and Russia in the flames of war. That's the heavy accusation we should start talking about the war, then there will be truth, but we won't live to see it."

Viktor Astafiev. "No answer for me... An epistolary diary."


Uncle Vitya, you can keep clowning around. And mock the memory of veterans in the theme. You're good at it.


"... you can't. "You're taking a holy stand! Stalin isn't enough for you! You'll get to Zhukov!..."
By the way, the one who "gets to Zhukov" will be a true Russian writer, not an "heir". Oh, what a brood of "father and teacher"! What a poacher of the Russian people.

He, he and Comrade Stalin burned the Russian people and Russia in the flames of war. That's the heavy accusation we should start talking about the war, then there will be truth, but we won't live to see it."

Viktor Astafiev. "No answer for me... Epistolary diary


Uncle Vitya, you can keep clowning around. And mock the memory of veterans in the theme. You're good at it.

How is society supposed to protect itself from people like me?


Lermontov: - Tell me, Uncle, was it not for nothing that Moscow, burned down by fire, was given to the French?

You liberal, you cunt, our grandfathers fought so that you could write poems here, and you're still a scum! Banned, exiled to penal servitude!
At least Lermontov didn't make a revolution. But with these fuckers...

Uncle Vitya, you can keep clowning around. And mock the memory of veterans in the theme. You're good at it.

How is society supposed to protect itself from people like me?

Who writes this to you?

Leonid will be treated.



"But maybe I am so quick-witted and 'truthful' who had and has all the moral data to tell ... the truth and write about it, so that it is clear that not thanks to Stalin, but in spite of his system and will, not looking at all the sullen kennels and eloquent Mechlis, the people ... went to the front and fought on the front line with honour, genuine courage and dignity" (C)

Viktor Astafyev. "No answer for me... An Epistolary Diary"