Interesting and humorous - page 189


Not humour.


"It really is hell."
Eduard Bagirov on what is happening in the epicentre of the Ebola epidemic.
"... It's total mayhem out there. White people, especially those who have just arrived in Liberia, shouldn't walk on the streets.
Once you get out of the car near the market, fifteen hundred creepy cunts appear out of the ground and start swinging around and checking you upside down like jackals, pondering how they can get close to you. Any careless move, gesture, look... can be a cause for conflict... - with fatal consequences.
Robbery and looting are the order of the day, and considered the least of the evils that can happen to you in Liberia. You can get stabbed in the side without question. The locals are extremely unfriendly. A man's life isn't worth anything there. Especially the life of a white man from out of town...
They don't live there, but somehow exist, survive. There is absolute poverty there, and a hundred dollars is a great sum of money, with which you can do a lot. They sell absolutely worthless junk, they steal something. It's a wreck. There are two ATMs in the capital and not one of them works. There are slums, rottenness, filth..."(c)

Kuzya the tiger from Primorye,

released into the taiga by Putin,

escaped from Russia to China


This message is not humour.

There's probably no point in starting a new thread. We can discuss it here as well.

I came across a visitor's question on the CRUFM forum by chance:

The CRDFM administration, apparently at a loss, does not know what to answer - it has been silent for several days!

I looked through the law and searched for discussions. And indeed. It seems that very soon (after 11 months) websites of offshore brokerage companies may be blocked by Roskomnadzor and it may be impossible for Russian clients to withdraw their funds. And when this date is closer there will be a mass withdrawal of funds with understandable problems, if not a panic. Will the VCs crumble like houses of cards?

How serious the problem is in relation to DC-forex industry, who knows?


This message is not humour.

There's probably no point in starting a new thread. We can discuss it here as well.

I came across a visitor's question on the CRUFM forum by chance:

The CRDFM administration, apparently at a loss, does not know what to answer - it has been silent for several days!

I looked through the law and searched for discussions. And indeed. It seems that very soon (after 11 months) websites of offshore brokerage companies may be blocked by Roskomnadzor and it may be impossible for Russian clients to withdraw their funds. And when this date is closer there will be a mass withdrawal of funds with understandable problems, if not a panic. Will DCs collapse like a house of cards?

How serious the problem is in relation to DC-forex industry, who knows?

What makes you think that brokerage companies have servers located outside Russia? For example, I know that the servers are located in Russia, while the company registration is outside Russia.

Open the MT4 of any brokerage company and look at the bottom right hand corner where the servers are located, for example I have Insta at hand at the moment:

Roughly the same for Alpari and others.

Actually, it's not really about the servers. It's about the possibility of trading in mt4 offshore brokerage companies starting from next September.


Open the MT4 of any brokerage company and look at the bottom right hand corner where the servers are located, for example I have Insta at hand at the moment:

Roughly the same for Alpari and others.

Actually, it's not really about the servers. It's about the possibility of trading in mt4 offshore brokerage companies starting from next September.

And the data will be stored on the territory of the Russian Federation - no problem

Open the MT4 of any brokerage company and look at the bottom right hand corner where the servers are located, for example I have Insta at hand at the moment:

Roughly the same for Alpari and others.

It's not really about the servers. I'm talking about the possibility of trading in mt4 with offshore brokerage companies from next September.

I opened and looked - I have DataCenter1, DataCenter2.

So Insta has 20 servers in Europe? I doubt it.....

If forum moderators ran the traffic

* It is recommended to drive in accordance with the rules of the Russian language.

* Attempts to explain something to an inspector will result in a reprimand on your licence or the loss of your licence.

* Ads stuck on your car can get your license revoked.

* Driving and swearing are prohibited.

* Warnings for rule violations are given in public and the temporary withdrawal of licence may turn into a theatrical performance.

* Persistent offenders not only have their licence taken away but are advised to drive "somewhere else in town".

* Offenders may be deprived of their licence by correspondence.

* The licence is issued as follows: the applicant fills in a questionnaire at the Administration. If the questionnaire is completed correctly, correctly and completely, an invitation will arrive in the letterbox. This invitation may be exchanged at the Administration for a driving licence.

* The driver is responsible for making up his own licence plate number. Unseemly and stupid signs may result in the refusal to register the car.

* A road user may not reprimand another road user about his driving style. He may, however, kick his car in the bumper to call a moderator.

* The administration may close the street (by previously slashing the tyres of the most active drivers) if it considers that further traffic on the street is inadvisable.

* Traffic is regulated by warning shots at road users.

* The administration does not close streets at the request of road users.

* If a suspended offender is caught wearing a mask and in another car, he is driven out of town without the right to return.

* The Sheriff sets the rules of the road. The Sheriff may break his own rules if necessary. You can complain about the Sheriff's actions to the Sports Lotto.