Interesting and humorous - page 144

I agree, there are not enough women on the forum.

we have a speculator !!!!

we have a speculator !!!!

Sunny, don't be so so-called tolerant. I was talking about women. There's not enough of it here, imho.

We have deviated slightly from the main topic - should Dozhd, which has raised a taboo subject, be banned from broadcasting with the help of telephone law?

However, we inadvertently simulated a similar situation locally. A group of comrades was discussing the subject of the Second World War, expressing a variety of opinions.
Next, we create a virtual reality:

1. A virtual situation
Moderator Granit who was given the right to rule the forum for a limited period of time (but within the framework of the forum rules) has long disliked user with nickname "plokhoy". He constantly raises uncomfortable topics, reveals unpleasant facts about Granit's friends' activities, accuses him of inability to moderate the site, etc. The activities of this unpleasant type interfere with Granit's career and make it less likely that he will be appointed to the next term. Granit is not the owner of the site, he is an appointed official, but he fancies himself a doomsayer and considers himself indispensable.
In the course of a discussion on WWII in an off-target thread, "plokhoy" mentions the possibility of continuing the fight in the event of Moscow surrender, retreating all the way to Siberia.
Granit rubs his hands cheerfully, having found a way to shut up a clever and dangerous opponent and makes a statement:
"User "plokhoy" has crossed all the borders of the permissible, he crossed the red line. While this is not a violation of forum rules, it is a much more serious thing in terms of moral and ethical burden, it is blasphemy. Therefore, as the person in charge, I am revoking user "plokhoy's" access rights. Perpetual ban"

2. Real situation
The Dozhd TV channel continuously broadcasts reports from rallies and marches, exposes corruption and theft in governmental structures, provides a platform for opponents of the current regime, making it less likely that the ruling coalition will win the next election and, in general, is a very unpleasant nuisance to the regime.
To the delight of the authorities, Dozhd, which raised the taboo topic of the possibility of surrendering Leningrad to save the lives of its inhabitants, gave, albeit a minor, reason for repression.
Officials, who were given
the right to rule the country for a limited period (but within the framework of the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation) and who are not owners of the country, use telephone law to force providers to disable the Dozhd channel, inventing any excuse. The top twenty providers "on their own initiative" immediately disconnect the Dozhd channel.

The presidential administration applauds and supports the disconnection, stating in passing that Dozhd has not broken any laws, but has done "a much more serious thing in terms ofmoral and ethical burden... ".
Roskomnadzor found no grounds for issuing Dozhd with a formal warning leading to the revocation of its broadcasting licence.

Find ten differences between the situations and assess the legality of the actions.

All the virtual forum characters mentioned in the text have nothing to do with real users.


Why are you all so angry? It's just the memory of a whole generation. There's no need to shit on it and that's it...

You seem to be "supposedly concerned" about the memory of people too?

That's exactly the kind of "concern" you're making a mockery of the memory of your dead grandfathers and great grandfathers. Do you care about "crooks and thieves", want to prohibit all mentioning of the disgrace and inability (deliberate?) of the authorities to provide for the population of the besieged city - so that God forbid, contemporaries do not learn about the attitude of the bastard and greedy party and military officials to those people about whom you pretend to care?

So I will remind you of a quote from V. Astafiev:

"But the indomitable Stalin (or the great Soviet people?) with sullen cruelty (or with desperate courage?), without regard for losses, did not give Leningrad to the fascist. He hit and beat the greedy bared teeth - with rifle butts, fists, frozen children's corpses - with everything that came to hand...
- It was necessary, comrades," official propaganda mourns, wiping a stingy tear with the sleeve of his expensive jacket. - Hold the city of Lenin at any cost!
- You are lying, you scum! First you have fucked up everything you could, held Petersburg hostage, and then the Russian people lie down and cover you with their bellies," object the people with painful experience of the war. - At least you should have spared the children, citizen boss," they say.

"There is no answer to the honest question about the real results, responsibility and price of the Great Campaign for the victorious leaders.That is why they always go the other way: they eliminate those who ask. Keeping and training a bunch of shariks and (more importantly) an elite club of privileged kennels for the sake of it. Well, and the cooks too."(c)

There was one such propagandist (in the 'Chicken Run' thread) who screamed hysterically all over the forum at the mere mention of the Battle of Rzhev and called for a near-firing squad for that very mention. For a whole page, I remember him screaming that people should not know, that "Russia is rising from its knees", and that telling about it now is criminal, that the historical and patriotic memory should preserve only the victories! Also supposedly "caring and clamouring" for veterans.

And every time you start the old song about the memory of veterans, about patriotism, about "don't rock the boat", about how "people better not know this" - you will receive a convincing poke-in-the-butt reply:

- about frozen babies, about blockade cannibalism, about "party genius" Zhdanov and his lackeys who didn't stand in a queue "for osmushka" - but received food and pickles on a tray under the snout during blockade time.

- about the Battle of Rzhev;

- about hundreds of thousands of our grandfathers who died in vain, who were sent to machine guns by fat military and party bastards from their cozy offices - and our grandfathers were laid down in three layers to be killed for unnecessary but "prestigious" heights.

- The currentfour hundred cadets with pneumonia were sick because the bastard commanders of the training centre had "left out" the fuel for the boiler room.

I can't count all of them. But you seem to be like the "dewdrop of God" and will continue to chime in here - "niz-z-ya talk about it", you cannot rock the boat, the memory must be victorious, the WWII is our last spiritual staple ......


And you're like a fucking expert on history and military affairs?

And you're like a fucking expert on history and military affairs?

Are you even more of a fucking expert?

Or are you also "clamouring and working for" a spiritual staple? Well, well, sing your song now.

Are you, like.

Are you, like, even more of a fucking expert?

Or are you also "clamouring and caring" for a spiritual staple?

Fuck you... you know what you're talking about.
If you read it, everyone here is a generalismus and everyone knows how the war should have been fought, it's amazing.

On your marks!





- Why doesn't anyone have sex on the underground?

- You'll get a lot of advice.

Same here. The smart guys started arguing about how the war should have been fought.