Interesting and humorous - page 96


Germans about our warrior grandfathers. (From Robert Kershaw's book "1941 through the eyes of the Germans"):

"During the attack we came across a light Russian T-26 tank, we immediately snapped it right off with a 37mm. As we began to approach, a Russian leaned out of the turret hatch up to his waist and opened fire on us with a pistol. Soon we found out that he was without legs, they were blown off when the tank was hit. And in spite of that he was shooting at us with a pistol!" /Artiller of an anti-tank gun

"We almost didn't take prisoners because the Russians always fought to the last soldier. They did not surrender. Their toughness cannot be compared to ours...". / tanker of the group of armies "Center".

After successfully breaking through the border defenses, the 3rd Battalion of the 18th Infantry Regiment of the Army Group Center, consisting of 800 men, was fired upon by a unit of five soldiers. "I did not expect anything like that," Battalion Commander Major Neuhof confessed to his battalion doctor. - It is pure suicide to attack a battalion force with five soldiers."

"On the Eastern Front I met people who could be called a special race. Already the first attack turned out to be a fight to the death. /Hans Becker, Tanker of the 12th Tank Division

"You will not believe it until you see it with your own eyes. Soldiers of the Red Army even being burnt alive continued shooting from the burning houses". /Officer, 7th Panzer Division

"The quality level of the Soviet pilots is much higher than expected... The fierce resistance, its mass character do not correspond to our initial assumptions" /Major-General Hoffmann von Waldau/

"I have never seen anyone meaner than these Russians. Real chain dogs! You never know what to expect from them. And where do they get tanks and everything else?" /One of the soldiers of Army Group "Center".

"The behaviour of the Russians, even in the first battle, was strikingly different from that of the Poles and allies who had suffered defeat on the Western Front. Even finding themselves in the ring of encirclement, the Russians steadfastly defended themselves. /General Günther Blumentritt, Chief of Staff of the 4th Army

Complete rubbish. Nothing to do with reality.
It's a load of bollocks. Nothing to do with reality.


Easy :

After successfully breaking through the border defences, 3rd Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, Army Group Centre


Can we see the regiment at all by a group of armies?

That's not the point - not the typos. The point is that even Germans talk about Russian valour in battles. And by saying that "all this is rubbish", you refute that ours fought steadfastly and valiantly. Who are you for?


You see, if ALL is bullshit, then valour is also bullshit (judging by your words).

To my grandfather, who went over the river seven times. And you?