Interesting and humorous - page 173


Yes. I know. Well, from the simple to the complex. There are humidification devices now. Probably the best one for you...
an adsorption dehumidifier.


Yeah, no, I'm not complaining. I'm happy with what I have. I don't live in the basement, I just have rooms for the future, so to speak.

People who talk about ecological housing are often very far from the real problems associated with the construction and maintenance of this very eco-housing. And the Bes, as you know, sits in the details.


If you don't know anything about construction, you can set yourself up like this... So, depending on your means, either build as your grandfathers did or order a project from a specialist.

With projects, too, not everything is smooth. And the specialists are "very different", both at the design stage and at the stage of implementation.
It's not all smooth sailing with projects either. And there are some "bad people", both in the design and implementation phases.

I've done a lot of things - I can attest to that. They can't tell a hammer from a nail (sometimes).

p.s. Can, by the way, organize an analogue of industrial adsorber, the moisture under the house is not good. (But it is easier to do it yourself).

khorosh: Do you have any doubts? Then take a look.

From about the 28th minute onwards they both seem to have eaten mushrooms.

But the year of the show - 1991 - suggests that this is not to be taken seriously.


From about the 28th minute onwards they both seem to have eaten mushrooms.

But the year of the show - 1991 - suggests that this should not be taken seriously.

Kuryokhin is a bastard, having ditched the whole Leningrad underground

banana boy...


But the year of transmission - 1991 - suggests that it cannot be taken seriously.

Classic :)

From about the 28th minute onwards they both seem to have eaten mushrooms.

But the year of the show - 1991 - suggests that this should not be taken seriously.

And what year should be taken seriously?
Which year should be taken seriously?

The year of the horse.
For the Year of the Horse.

The horse is a nervous creature, it can be nerve-wracking:

from 25.01.1906 to 12.02.1907 - space element of the year - Fire, year of Horse

from 11.02.1918 to 31.01.1919 - space element of the year - Earth, year of Horse

from 30.01.1930 to 16.02.1931 - space element of the year - Metal, Horse year

15.02.1942 - 04.02.1943 - space element of the year - Water, Horse year

03.02.1954 to 23.01.1955 - space element of the year - Wood, Horse year

21.01.1966 - 08.02.1967 - space element of the year - Fire, Horse year

07.02.1978 - 27.01.1979 - space element of the year - Earth, Horse year

from 27.01.1990 to 14.02.1991 - space element of the year - Metal, Horse year

12.02.2002 - 31.01.2003 - space element of the year - Water, Horse year

31.01.2014 - 18.02.2015 - cosmic element of the year - Wood, Horse year


The Horse is a nervous creature, it can be a little nerve-wracking:

from 25.01.1906 to 12.02.1907 - space element of the year - Fire, year of Horse

from 11.02.1918 to 31.01.1919 - space element of the year - Earth, year of Horse

from 30.01.1930 to 16.02.1931 - space element of the year - Metal, Horse year

15.02.1942 - 04.02.1943 - space element of the year - Water, Horse year

03.02.1954 to 23.01.1955 - space element of the year - Wood, Horse year

21.01.1966 - 08.02.1967 - space element of the year - Fire, Horse year

07.02.1978 - 27.01.1979 - space element of the year - Earth, Horse year

from 27.01.1990 to 14.02.1991 - space element of the year - Metal, Horse year

12.02.2002 - 31.01.2003 - space element of the year - Water, Horse year

31.01.2014 - 18.02.2015 - cosmic element of the year - Wood, Horse year

Let me guess: a year from now we'll be greeting the Soviet Army and Navy Fleet Day like fire?