Interesting and humorous - page 5


Trains get stuck too :)




Trains get stuck too :)

It's just an electric train car that shorted out.

just a train car shorted out.
Disagree it's exactly a train, for an electric car you can see clearly in the 2nd picture the wires haven't failed yet :0))
Well, now buckwheat is going to get more expensive again.

I take it there are no paratroopers among our brother...?



I didn't serve, but I trained guys. I did. Those brave fools were scared out of their wits. All the same, happy St. Nicholas! Alaverdi, backtosta - optional. A non-believer of any kind...

You're not confused with "Elijah", are you? Huh, Peter the Pig-Breeder?

The memory of St. Nicholas is commemorated:
December 6 (19) - the day of his death (in the Russian tradition - "Nikola in winter")
9 (22) May - day of arrival of the relics to Bari (in the Russian tradition "Nikola Veshny") © Wiki

What's with the attitude? Have I offended you? And that I confused Elijah with Nicholas, it's forgivable for me - a non-Christian.

Would you like to apologize? But who cares? Can't hurt all assholes...

Really bored - left...