Interesting and humorous - page 119


The very first option I saw was BUTTERFLY LABS, a company that sells bitcoin mining hardware (ASICS).

You seem to have a bit of a misrepresentation.

There are avalon asics who sell boxes that have had three bundles of orders so far, the first of which has been sent out. And there is little doubt about the existence of these boxes.

And there is BUTTERFLY LABS, which is very, very grey indeed.



Yura was very good to put it out there, I've been reviewing it several times myself.

It's funny, and most importantly, it's on the theme of the forum.

You seem to have a bit of misinformation.

There's avalon asics, which sells boxes that have had three stacks of orders so far, the first of which went out. And there is little doubt about the existence of these boxes.

Kind of like the second one too, but I'm not sure. I don't follow them much as I'm not interested in mining - and I've dissuaded my colleague from buying three graphics cards (HD5870), because in the near future (by September somewhere) the complexity of calculations will increase almost by the order (according to forecasts).

But he's sirenically going to buy an ASIC from Avalon (5 gigahes/sec - for about 10,000 roubles). I don't think it will help him much. But he's still thinking about trying his luck.

And there's BUTTERFLY LABS, which is really very, very grey.

I don't know how grey they are, but they seem to have delivered the first batch almost a year later. But what's the use... the complexity is growing: at the beginning of June it was 12 million, and now it's about 20 million. So, in 8 months, it had grown from about 3 to 20 million, and now the growth has accelerated again, because fast computers have come to people (but not cheaply). In short, some kind of terrible race for fast hardware, and the output versus cost is only obtained when these costs are very significant.


There is no point in ordering an Asik. Nor is there any point in ordering a butterfly.

Asik has only left the first batch, two are waiting, that's a big pile of people. Whether the 4th one will be here or not, when it will be delivered is even more questionable.

The butterflies have over 4,000 people on hold. That's a minimum order of 5GH/s each.

And the issuance is tightly set. As a result, if your colleague invests, he'll get a box for who knows when, and it won't pay for itself in a month like it does now, but in a year like a video card does now.

The same as with the bitcoins themselves, the first one has a huge advantage.

Unless the price of a bit goes up. But I think that will happen after the next half-cut. That's three and a half years from now.

Okay, I'm rambling. You 'll have to write me in private if you need anything.

TheXpert: As a result, if your colleague invests, he'll get a box for who knows when, and it won't pay for itself in a month like it does now, but in a year like the current graphics card.

Yep, pretty much agrees. And even in a year 5 GH/s won't pay for itself - with the current acceleration of complexity :)

A single graphics card, even 6990 (or Devil 13 = 7990), is already kind of at the break-even point.

Ok, forget it.


Shit googled my name. Learned a lot of interesting things about myself)))


- A real programmer should always go to bed at 1:28 or 2:56... 5:12 at the most.
- And get up at 10:24. At the very least, at 8:48.


In fact, everyone has imaginary friends. There are too many people around you who you imagine are your friends.


You had to think of calling a difficult-to-pronounce word
"difficult to pronounce."


An unfortunate yawn at a traffic stop tasted the taste of an unextinguished Marlboro cigarette butt.


- A real programmer should always go to bed at either 1:28 or 2:56... Well, at the very least, at 5:12.
- And get up at 10:24. Well, at the very least, at 20:48.

You're writing something wrong.

128 minutes - 2:08 minutes

And so on.


However,niko, you won't have long to mock and "slander" the army! You traitors to the fatherland will soon be brought to justice!

The law of the day: 5 years in prison for criticising the Red Army