Interesting and humorous - page 160

You all-knowing wake up before you play your game... I'm already getting questions.

Uncle Vitya, you can keep clowning around. And mock the memory of veterans in the theme. You're good at it.


"... you can't. "You're taking a holy stand! Stalin isn't enough for you! So you'll get to Zhukov!..."
By the way, the one who "gets to Zhukov" will be a true Russian writer, not an "heir". Oh, what a scion of his "father and teacher"! What a poacher of the Russian people.

He, he and Comrade Stalin burned the Russian people and Russia in the flames of war. That's the heavy accusation we need to start talking about the war, then there will be truth, but we won't live to see it."

Viktor Astafiev. "No answer for me... An epistolary diary."

Interesting version. Turns out Hitler didn't have to do anything, Zhukov and Stalin did everything for him. This is obviously ridiculous hyperbole. Are you so blindly believing an out of his mind venerable writer, ready to come up with any sensation, like a scribbler in the yellow press, just to attract attention to himself?

Тебе кто это пишет? ...

You all-knowing wake up before you play your game... I'm already getting questions.

No, Uncle Vitya, you can't shoot or imprison the person who writes this. It's the great Soviet and Russian writer Viktor Petrovich Astafyev. In 1942 he volunteered for the front. Passed all war. Was demobilized in 1945.

Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1978, 1991), the Triumph Prize, the State Prize of Russia (1996, 2003 (posthumously)), Pushkin Prize of Alfred Tepper Foundation (FRG, 1997).

An interesting version. It turns out that Hitler did not have to do anything, Zhukov and Stalin did everything for him. This is clearly ridiculous hyperbole. You so blindly believe the venerable writer out of his mind, ready to invent any sensation like a scribbler in the yellow press, just to attract attention to himself?

Don't twist things around,khorosh. Find another argument, and about "out of his mind", that's very childish.

I am responding to the pseudo-patriots who have become boorish and cannot refute my arguments. I reply with arguments: with quotations, references, official figures. Moreover, I respond quite correctly, WITHOUT ANNOUNCEMENTS, unlike some of my recent opponents.


From the biography of Pyotr Astafiev:

....Пётр Астафьев попадает в тюрьму с формулировкой «вредительство»....

Of course, the paeans of this paean are very genuine facts and very strong arguments.

Integer: The inconvenience is in the broadcast at Malysheva's. It's different here. There is a steady and deliberate destruction of the ideals of the USSR. Now do not dare to get to the besieged Leningrad. They have even ceased to distinguish between the ideals formed by ideology and the human exploits. Leningrad is only people and no ideology.

What ideals, Dimitri? These were people trapped in the city and left to starve to death.

What feats can one perform in a gas chamber - even if the dying man is in so much pain that it gives others pity for him (or even respect)?

On the other hand, I do not believe that there have been offers from German generals to take women, children and elderly people out of the city. I don't believe it - in light of the ideology of Nazism.

What would have been the actual outcome in the second case is impossible to know.

No! Obviously there would have been many more casualties (if the city had been surrendered/left). That's it, full stop.

(it's everyone else who wants to prove to themselves that they lived in a shitty time in a shitty place, and I lived in a great time in a great place).
Well during the War I don't think you were even in the draft... so the comparison is inappropriate.

1. What ideals, Dimitri? These were people trapped in the city and left to starve to death.

2. What feats can one perform in a gas chamber - even if the dying man is in so much pain that it causes others to feel pity for him (or even respect)?

3. On the other hand, I do not believe that there have been offers from German generals to take women, children and old people out of the city. I don't believe it - in light of the ideology of Nazism.

4. No! Obviously there would have been many more casualties (if the city had been surrendered/left). That's it, full stop.

5. Well during the War, I don't think you were even in the draft... so the comparison is inappropriate.

1. Yeah. Stalin locked them up and stood with a whip. Give me the whole layout of the combat situation at that point in time. Where and how things were. Prove it with real and false facts. But this is at least the level of a PhD thesis in at least three disciplines: history, military affairs, management. So what are we talking about?

2. At least one feat can be accomplished - not shitting yourself.

3. Quite possibly from these scumbags, as it is not a humane proposition, but an insulting and humiliating one.

4. Then what is the argument about?

5. It's not just about the war, it's about the USSR.


What ideals, Dimitri?

All that made those who lived in the USSR proud of the country they lived in.
khorosh: And the good memory of Zhukov will exist as long as future generations remember this war.

Zhukov together with Timoshenko - direct culprits of the disaster in 1941, because they contrary to the defense plan in case of Hitler attacks concentrated forces in the wrong direction and dispersed the troops in a thin line through which tank wedges of the Nazis easily broke through.

Throughout the war, Stalin had used Zhukov as a dog to work out his major mistake, the catastrophe of '41.

Still, even his last battle - the capture of Berlin - Zhukov was a botched one, putting tens of thousands of soldiers in the ground for nothing.

Zhukov's strategic genius was a myth created after Stalin's death. We had far more brilliant commanders - Rokossovsky, for example.

Have you heard anything about the conspiracy of the top generals? Neither have I, until recently.



Zhukov's strategic genius is a myth created after Stalin's death. We had much more brilliant commanders - Rokossovsky, for example.


Only to find out about Rokossovsky? Only to humiliate Zhukov?

I don't know who particularly elevated Zhukov. There were three of them: Zhukov, Rokosovsky, Konev. None of them were above the others.

But in any case now all sorts of ideological figures will tear out all sorts of pieces of facts from history, renegotiate them, turn them upside down.