Interesting and humorous - page 38

Влияние на окружающую среду

Только в Китае ежегодно используется и выбрасывается около 45 миллиардов пар одноразовых деревянных палочек, что составляет примерно 1,7 миллионов кубометров дерева или 25 миллионов уничтоженных деревьев в год. В целях защиты окружающей среды, с апреля 2006 года в Китае был введён 5 % налог с продаж на одноразовые палочки, а в Пекине (Китай) от них отказались многие отели.

And you can also kill people with these sticks.
In Korea it's like metal sticks :-).
You can do it with a biro... you can
In Korea it's like metal sticks :-).
You can do it with a biro... you can

What about a fountain pen?


you can even use an eraser - as long as you know where and how.
Rubbed to death.

They say that even orgasms can cause death. Hence the conclusion: dick* is a deadly weapon! (man, I almost said "in the right hands")



Here's an anecdote to that effect.

There's a world championship on potency. The task is to run from the 1st to the 9th floor with a bucket of water on his dick.

The sports columnist comments:

"An athlete from France runs up to the 3rd floor, falls down and dies from blood loss - the skin on his dick is frayed.

An athlete from England runs up to the 6th floor, falls and dies from blood loss - the skin on his dick has frayed.

An athlete from Russia ran, reached the 9th floor, stopped to catch his breath and suddenly fell down dead - died of a blow to the forehead, frayed skin on his d*ck...".
