Interesting and humorous - page 194


Loading the first 5MB hard disk into a PanAm aircraft, 1965


Transporting India's first satellite, 1981.


But already for roubles (:



Downloading EAs from Code Base, you rascal? Did you pay Mikhalkov?

INTERNET TAX (Mikhalkov Strikes Back)



Downloading EAs from Code Base, you rascal? Did you pay Mikhalkov?

INTERNET TAX (Mikhalkov Strikes Back)

Right, there are taxes for the use of subsoil, and the Internet is still subsoil ))))
That's right, there are taxes for the use of mineral resources, and the Internet is not the same ))))

What a mess.

It's not like there's any taxes on it.


What a mess.

I don't think there's any taxes there yet.

What do you mean there's no tax? They try to tax bloggers on income from advertising and other attachments. Another thing is that the sluggish tax machine cannot do it properly.

Interesting recipe:


On a daily basis, so to speak.