Interesting and humorous - page 128


loafs are killers.


The loafs are killers.

They were lucky... They had axes...

We had loafs eating customers in the shop.


They were lucky... They had axes...

We had loafs eaten by customers in the shop.

What's more, from the latest (declassified) KGB dossiers, we know that feet are atavistic!


What's more, from the latest KGB files (declassified), we know that legs are atavistic!

They were lucky... They had legs...

We had legs replaced with wheels in the womb.


Money as it is )))


They were lucky... They had legs...

We had our legs changed for wheels in the womb.

You're hooked on Dumplin'! Watch Petrosian for a week, you'll get over it :))




Yeah... It's not cannabis anymore...