Interesting and humorous - page 209

I suggest closing the thread.

They shut down the smoking room and what's the result? So we have to close the whole forum.

And it should have been stopped from the first posts. Starting with a poem that has nothing to do with humor. It's not even remotely interesting.


if Lavrov comes to negotiate, it is a Ukrainian-Russian negotiation. If a Ukrainian army general and a Russian army general negotiate, it is a negotiation between the two armies.

Have you started to be blatantly stupid already?

A very strange division between the armies of states and the states themselves...

I was speaking to you as you are, and I was not insulting you. It doesn't look good on you, mister... I conclude: when there's no argument, the insults begin. Good luck with that.


They shut down the smoking room and what's the result? So we have to shut down the whole forum.

And it should have been stopped from the first posts. Starting with a poem that has nothing to do with the humor section. It's not even remotely interesting.

Alexei. It won't stop as long as people keep looking for someone to blame for their mistakes. Which is what we're seeing now.

Being for Putin (imho - being for your country, for the course it is on), and inspiring dubious European "rights and freedoms" to all and sundry are two big differences.

Even Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote that Russia's problem is that many people confuse the Fatherland and Excellency. I call such people confused, and you are a striking representative of them. To be for one's country does not at all mean to be for the course that leads it into the abyss. It is not without reason that they say that under Yeltsin the country came close to the brink of an abyss, but that it has made great strides forward since then.

Even Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote that Russia's problem is that many people confuse the Fatherland and Your Excellency. I call such confused people, of which you are a prime example. To be for one's country does not at all mean to be for the course that leads it into the abyss. Not without reason they say that under Yeltsin the country came close to the brink of an abyss, but since then it has made a big step forward.

Take over the helm of the country and lead it not to the abyss, you clever boy.

I don't support much of what is going on in the country, but I do support the foreign policy of increasing global influence and maintaining the country's sovereignty. Where do you see venality in my words, you are probably the only one who knows. Or are you just trying to troll? So I do not give a shit about these pathetic attempts.

We will see in the future which of us was right (the abyss, or development). Most likely, you, dear dissident, will shit yourself.


Take over the helm of the country and do not lead it into the abyss, you clever boy.

I don't support much of what is going on in the country, but I do support the foreign policy of increasing global influence and maintaining the country's sovereignty. Where do you see venality in my words, you are probably the only one who knows. Or are you just trying to troll? I don't give a shit about these pathetic attempts.

We will see in the future which of us was right (the abyss or development). Most likely, you, dear dissident, will shit your pants.

I don't think we'll have to wait long. Although even what we have now cannot be called a development. The RTS, MICEX, capitalization and credit ratings of all our leading companies are below the plinth. This year there has been an absolute record of capital flight from the country, about USD 130bn. In October, the absolute maximum in the last 15 years in terms of the number of people who left for permanent residence. Do you think capitals and people will flee en masse from the places where things are good? For me personally, the number of my friends and acquaintances, most of whom have already left, is a shock, the rest are selling absolutely everything (flats, houses, cars), buying currency at any exchange rate in order to go somewhere nice and calm, where there is law and no militaristic blues. Of course you can say "let them go, you damned liberals". And who will be left, the birches?

You write about increasing world influence. So if you compare the world's influence a year ago and now? Where are we? Of course, no one will go to war with us, but they do not consider us human beings either. They will simply pretend that we do not exist, as if we were nothing, as it was explicitly shown in Australia. Personally, I am offended for my country, or rather for that place, where our helmsman has led it. And you do not?



I reply to all your posts! You are a victim of your attempts to fit any broom! A natural product of animal survival! But you don't realise that Man needs to be superior! Just as in technical conversations clarity is needed!

Just write a word, do you guys exist here or just robots? Why do the messages appear when I'm not here when I look and wait for at least one real person? Where are you guys? Do I ever see a successful normal, decent trader without advertising, trading strategies, just a person to talk to? I talked to a robot, he thinks he is alive, thinks and answers, not always why are you all quiet?
Just write a word, do you guys exist here or just robots? Why do these messages appear when I'm not here? I'm waiting for a live person. Where are you guys? Where are you? Do I ever see a successful, normal, decent trader without advertising, education, trading strategies, just a person to talk to?
Please respect the Russian language, put punctuation and start sentences with capital letters! Then people will understand you and liven up!

Who's that?