Interesting and humorous - page 139


Just because someone has done a vile thing and has not been punished for it does not justify the next vile person.
For me neither the United Russia nor the Communists are examples or leaders. Once again I am not even a Russian. So I cannot be a pseudo-patriot, or even a Russian patriot by definition. BUT.... I know who my friends are and who aren't. I know who my grandfather fought with and against whom and what. I remember who he saved and who helped him to survive. I know who I should respect and who I shouldn't.

And it is very surprising to see that people outside Russia, those who were with Leningraders (and all Russians) once in one, united, big country, are moreindignant atsuch insulting pollsthan some Leningraders .

"the responsibility of party officials for the abysmal provision of the siege residents, the gluttonous leadership of the besieged city".

If the question had been posed this way I would be the first to speak for them now. And surrendering the city, not surrendering the city is a taboo. Don't you see the difference?

It is not a taboo!

It is an imposed taboo for those who want to cover up the disgusting and despicable work of the authorities in supplying the besieged city. So as not to expose the truth! That it was not documented, that to the party officials a symbol (of the ruined revolution) - turned out cynically more important than the lives of many hundreds of thousands of people of the blockade!

It is not for nothing that propagandists are so furious! They know very well what can be revealed if the archives are declassified!

12 September: The biggest food warehouse in Leningrad, the Badaevsky, is destroyed by fire. Another version is that it was the result of a German bombardment.

- Hmmm, the "rainmakers" must have set fire to it. The Germans really wanted it.

And here are some more facts from 1941 (from Wikipedia Chronicle of the siege of Leningrad):

September 22: Hitler declares that "St. Petersburg must be wiped off the face of the Earth".
September 22: Hitler declares that "...we are not interested in preserving civilian life."
September 22: The British government announced it was ready to return to friendly relations with Finland, if the latter would cease military operations against Russia and return to the 1939 borders. The Finns replied that this was not possible, as Finland was a defensive party.
8 November: Hitler emphasises in his Munich speech, "Leningrad must die a starving death."
Does anyone still have questions like "Why?"

This is not a taboo!

It is an imposed taboo for those who want to cover up the disgusting and despicable work of the authorities in supplying the besieged city. So that the truth does not come out! That only if it was not documented, that to the party officials a symbol - turned out cynically more important than the lives of many hundreds of thousands blockade victims!

It is not for nothing that propagandists are so furious! They know very well what can be revealed if the archives are declassified!

So the question would be posed as follows: "Do you consider the top leadership of the Soviet Union and the Party leadership of Leningrad guilty of the poor supply of food to the city of Leningrad, and guilty of the suffering and death of millions of people during the blockade?"

I personally would have no questions about such a trial. It is clear that the perpetrators were, and the loss of life was partly their fault. But to ask whether the city should have been surrendered is TABU!
12 September: The biggest food warehouse in Leningrad, the Badaevsky, is destroyed by fire. Another version is that it was the result of a German bombardment.

- Hmmm, the "rainmakers" must have set fire to it. The Germans really wanted it.

And here are some more facts from 1941 (from Wikipedia Chronicle of the siege of Leningrad):

September 22: Hitler declares that "St Petersburg must be wiped off the face of the earth".
September 22: Hitler declares that "...we are not interested in preserving civilian life."
September 22: The British government announced it was ready to return to friendly relations with Finland, if the latter would cease military operations against Russia and return to the 1939 borders. The Finns replied that this was not possible, as Finland was a defensive party.
8 November: Hitler emphasises in his Munich speech, "Leningrad must die a starving death."
Anyone still has questions like "Why?"

There's a link in a neighbouring thread. Read it, you don't have to flip through wikipedia.

About the "persistent subculture of forgery "



But asking if we should have given up the city is TABU!

Why? Why can't you ask? ы?


I personally would not have had any questions about such a trial. It is clear that there were perpetrators, and the deaths were partly their fault. But to ask whether the city should have surrendered is TABU!

Is it okay to ask "Is there a God?

Is "Is there a God?" allowed to ask?

Careful, or Okhlabystin will offer to burn you in the furnace.

There's a link in a neighbouring thread. Read it, you don't have to flip through Wikipedia.

About a "persistent counterfeit subculture "

Read it. It's rubbish. The author believes German sources more than his own. No comment.

I've read it. It's rubbish. The author believes German sources more than his own. No comment.

You see, in order to understand the truth, You have to read different sources.

Well, not on the testimony of an ordinary German from the trench, but on the basis of real internal German documents. Our documents are definitely the last to be trusted in this respect.