Interesting and humorous - page 120


You're writing something wrong.

128 minutes - 2:08 minutes

And so on.

It's a play on words. Untranslatable programming dialect :)))))))))))))))
Yes, Yarovaya was very active. Well, she has to work off her posh Moscow flat somehow...

It is time to introduce a bill on the responsibility of the drafters.

If its version is passed, if very few conditions are met, any war(conflict) will develop roughly as it did in 1941.


Well, you don't even seem to need a war for that! WITHOUT IRONY.

Our military leadership like Minister Serdyukov and his lackeys of both sexes have done their best to "make it look bad"!

I am reminded of a saying (if I am not mistaken) by Churchill - "The USSR is a colossus on clay feet"! Well then it was indeed a colossus. And now? Who will our guys fight for now, if (God forbid) "the suprastat comes"?

For bureaucratic pimples and corrupt MPs? I don't think so....

They will go home. Soldiers and junior officers too. Not because they're scared. But because they do not want to protect the noblemen and near noblewomen, their palaces and estates and their "foreign" children ...

They will fight for the motherland. And it's time for the lawmakers to get their hands on the sensitive spot. The illiterate bastards.

However,niko, you won't have long to mock and "slander" the army! You traitors to the fatherland will soon be brought to justice!

The law of the day: 5 years in prison for criticising the Red Army

Heh heh, it's about the Red Army, not the garment troops.

An announcement in the kindergarten! Dear parents, watch your behaviour After the weekend, at breakfast all the children are chock-a-block!


Seryozha, who had paid 5,000 roubles for a Thai massage. felt a catch after the words: "Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers".


The Russian language is very brief and laconic. For example, the inscription "Here were tourists from Russia" consists of only three letters...


You can tear up your stomach, especially towards the end ...