Interesting and humorous - page 168


My favourite niece is a Maidan activist. My son, her loving brother, who does not share her political preferences, sent a message on Skype: "I couldn't make it, but that's no reason to arrange such a thing".

Her answer: "I had to get attention, didn't I?


Here's a side note:


We have barely moved on from this topic, and you, my dear fellow, are at it again. )))))

I'm talking about the kids...
Our children are the adults who will decide.

Uh-huh. Intraspecific competition is strongly genetically determined. It is simply built into the genetic algorithm of evolution as a necessary condition for it to function.

C'est la vie. Unless you change the forms of competition... But what to change it to... I don't know.

Competition is not only our genetic atavism, as the author presents it, but also the engine of progress.

Quote from Wikipedia (Jacques Fresco article):

In search of solutions and answers to his questions, Jacques Fresco traveled to the South Pacific islands of Tuamotu,[3] where he interacted with aboriginal people of an intact tradition of society.

The islanders walked quietly around completely naked, with men reacting appropriately to the opposite sex, none of them staring at the sight of a naked body, and they always looked each other in the eye while talking.

...But the most important thing for me was the way these men allocated their resources among themselves - it literally opened my eyes. It was then that I realised how catastrophic the consequences of scarcity are and how much it affects people's behaviour and the formation of their values. On the island, when the natives were catching fish, they would just go and distribute it to everyone in the area. There was so much fish that there was enough for everyone and even beyond. Problems begin when, for one reason or another, it is not possible to feed an entire tribe. In that case human behaviour changes dramatically, they start hiding food, stealing, cheating and even fighting.

That is, he gives the example of a society where there are enough resources and they are available to everyone in the necessary quantities. But this society is not progressing.


It will be the big money that decides. As always.

The kids can handle it. I found out :)

Competition is not only our genetic atavism, as the author presents it, but also the engine of progress.

Quote from Wikipedia (Jacques Fresco article):

In search of solutions and answers to his questions, Jacques Fresco traveled to the South Pacific islands of Tuamotu,[3] where he interacted with aboriginal people of an intact tradition of society.

The islanders walked quietly around completely naked, with men reacting appropriately to the opposite sex, none of them staring at the sight of a naked body, and they always looked each other in the eye while talking.

...But the most important thing for me was the way these men allocated their resources among themselves - it literally opened my eyes. It was then that I realised how catastrophic the consequences of scarcity are and how much it affects people's behaviour and the way their values are shaped. On the island, when the natives were catching fish, they would just go around and distribute it to everyone in the area. There was so much fish that there was enough for everyone and even beyond. Problems begin when, for one reason or another, it is not possible to feed an entire tribe. In that case human behaviour changes dramatically, they start hiding food, stealing, cheating and even fighting.

That is, he gives the example of a society where there are enough resources and they are available to everyone in the necessary quantities. But this society is not progressing.

Is scarcity the engine of progress? I doubt it. But it sounds interesting. Will you try to prove/demonstrate it in a more reasoned way, without reference to the Prophets and scriptures (including the wiki)?


And then there are the interesting questions: Why does society need to progress? What is progress? What benefits does it (progress) bring?

Progress in organic development is also regress, for by securing one direction of development, it prevents all others.

Let us better believe in Reincarnation.

It's more fun.

the great universal Progress of Individual Consciousness and all that. :)

Progress in organic development is at the same time regress, for by fixing one direction of development, it prevents all the others.

Seemingly logical. However, it is compensated for by the insane variety of developmental directions in living nature.

The genetic algorithm is not only valuable fur natural selection but also creativity multiplied by creativity multiplied by.......



Seemingly logical. However, it is compensated for by the insane variety of developmental directions in living nature.

The genetic algorithm is not only valuable fur natural selection but also creativity multiplied by creativity multiplied by.......

