Interesting and humorous - page 11

The higher the efficiency, the better the engine.
Rocket engines are imperfect.
I repeat the question: what does flying into space have to do with it?
What does it have to do with efficiency? -I never said anything about efficiency.
The higher the efficiency, the better the engine.
Rocket engines are imperfect.
I repeat the question: what does flying into space have to do with it?

It does. All people are like people, who take the electric train to the countryside, who take the dvs to work and only Zhunko goes into space on a steam locomotive.

Yes at that. All people are like people, who take the electric train to the countryside, who take the diesel to work, and only Zhunko goes into space on a steam locomotive.

Not a steam locomotive, but a jet-propelled steam locomotive. No matter how hard we try to come up with something, we still end up with steam locomotives.

Do you know what winds turbines in nuclear power plants? The same steam. Only in a steam locomotive it's all on the spot. No transmission or transformation losses. That's the highest efficiency.

Not on a steam locomotive, but on a jet-propelled steam engine.

That's amazing. What technology has come to. If everyone started going to the moon on weekends, there'd be no water left on the ground.

Hmm... I guess they're flying steam tractors into space these days, too. :)
You've got to be kidding me.

You've been told about engine perfection, and you're starting to talk
about flying into space. This is incomprehensible and off-topic.

The efficiency of a steam locomotive is neither strictly physical, nor can it be close to 100 or even 50% globally.

I understand that you, Vadim, are an environmentalist by vocation. But there are laws of thermodynamics, the Carnot cycle, etc.

The amount of heat that goes nowhere and is not converted to mechanical heat in this heat machine is at least 2/3 of all energy.

You've been told about engine perfection, you start talking about
about flying into space. This is incomprehensible and off-topic.
So I say, do they fly to space on steam power too? - No? - Why not? - it is the most advanced way to convert potential energy of steam into progressive kinetic energy of a vehicle.

The efficiency of a steam locomotive is neither strictly physical, nor can it be close to 100 or even 50% globally.

I understand that you, Vadim, are an environmentalist by vocation. But there are laws of thermodynamics, the Carnot cycle, etc.

The amount of heat that goes nowhere and is not converted to mechanical heat in this heat machine is at least 2/3 of all energy.

I proposed to measure the efficiency in money. The forum is obligatory, after all... :-))
That's what I'm saying - do they fly into space on steam power too? - no? - why? - it is the most advanced way of converting potential energy of steam into progressive kinetic energy of motion.

I call the copyright on me, steam locomotive.

I suggested measuring the efficiency in money. The forum is obligatory, after all... :-))