Interesting and humorous - page 7


Only for people with a stable psyche.

<xxx> Vilnius mayor Artūras Zuokas on an APC demonstratively crushes an improperly parked Mercedes
<yyyy> In the next episode, the mayor of Vilnius shoots three guys drinking beer on the playground.
<zzz> God save us from a rocket scientist mayor...

This is the first time I have heard of the existence of legal private prisons.

I remember (if I'm not mistaken) reading Kivinov's humorous account of the Russian bill on private prisons.

But it turns out that there are some "in reality"...


...... tell me
....... about your
........ woes
....... to those around you -

.... and you' ll know
........ that there's
...a lot of good
..... ...andsensitive

Tezka, insert as sorts, so monospaced.
Tezka, insert as sorts, so monospaced.
That's not the point, you can't take letters from the middle, it's too simple.
Barkov wrote classic acrostics, which can handle any typeface:

A girl went to the temple to ask the oracle,
To know how she could save herself from pallor.
She heard the answer: "The whole way to the cure,
My beauty, in the openingwords here.
Tezka, insert as sorts, so monospaced.

Yeah, thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

BeerVelo ) photo taken in Munich