Interesting and humorous - page 245

... If you don't have direct contact with the loan takers, you don't know if they even exist. ...


So there is an opportunity to communicate with the borrower. Another thing is that I don't need to talk to all sixteen of them when I split the $800 into 50s (they're taken better that way and if they default, it's a loss in this case of only $1.05 - secondly).

I'm still inclined to believe that it's our royalties that keep the company alive.


Rumour has it that the default rate is 3...5%. I haven't come across it myself yet.

The amount issued to a "defaulter" +0.065% of it will be returned by the "trading floor" from the guarantee fund, filled by us (creditors) from net profits.
The defaulting debtor is handed over to the debt collectors for further proceedings, so to speak.

Well, because you have to pay for everything (and for the pleasure of a guaranteed income too), then from the net profit I deduct 40%, 45% or 50% (depending on the term of the loan).

Also (for faster rise of newbies) platform gives "credit for arbitration", three times more than own funds, but no more than $3000.
I take this money at 0.5% per day, and give it out at one and a half.

Thus the "peak yield" is $1000 of my own funds on the balance. In this case, $630 can be withdrawn each month.

SUMMING UP: When comparing forex trading and online microlending, the choice is obvious and I have made it. It is impossible to go into deficit here. I will not go back to this swamp with crocodiles (where everyone is trying to eat your dough) as long as the kitchen works.

You tell me the question straight: $630 can be withdrawn or you withdrew $630? the difference is huge, and you understand - 63% per month income is not small, and therefore skepticism will be appropriate
Today is International Laughter Day, by the way...

For the real guys, the door should also be sharp


For the real guys, the door should be sharp too

He put the Adidas doors in and will soon sell out his homeland).
You tell me the question straight: is it $630 to withdraw or have you withdrawn $630? the difference is huge, and you understand - 63% per month income is not little, and therefore skepticism will be appropriate

To answer the question directly: it is possible to withdraw this amount every month without any loss of profitability. I have personally only withdrawn small amounts so far, to try it out, so to speak.

63% per month is not just a lot, it's delicious as hell.


To answer the question directly: it is possible to withdraw this amount every month without any loss of profitability. I have personally only withdrawn small amounts so far, to try it out, so to speak.

63% a month is not just a lot - it's delicious as hell.

The first time I tried to withdraw some small change from my brokerage company. The first attempt to withdraw a more or less substantial sum ended in tears.
People have also successfully withdrawn small change from many well-known pyramid schemes and VCs. And the first attempt to withdraw a more or less substantial sum ended in tears.
Well, by May 18 I should have increased my Kilobucks there, and then we'll see. For now I have only "witness statements".
Please do not make paranoid assumptions that they are all bought.

Went to visit a friend in Anapa. The photo is of Bolshoi Utrish.


To answer the question directly: it is possible to withdraw this amount every month without any loss of profitability. I have personally only withdrawn small amounts so far, to try it out, so to speak.

63% a month is not just a lot - it is delicious as hell.

So you haven't earned 63% per month and haven't withdrawn money accordingly. What are we talking about then?

SZS: why would I take such an insane percentage even if short-term, even if microcredits, if there are more accessible credit funds on a bank card at a reasonable rate? who needs it? plus the elements of network marketing on the surface at once... this is clearly if not just a pyramid, then at least a pyramid :) with all the ensuing