Interesting and humorous - page 203


The right date! Just in time for 1935, almost all the Jews in the country's system of government were eliminated.

Stalin's actions are very reminiscent of those of Svetoslav ~1100 years ago.

Kaganovich and Molotov?
Credit is inseparable from money; it is one of the functions of money besides measuring value and accumulation.
There is also free money, as opposed to credit money. The different nature of money gives an enormous boost to the economy in a very short period of time. But the kike system has shut down all experiments with free money. There have been over 600 experiments in the world and all have been successful. The worst regions were revived in 2-5 years. They became the richest. Local central banks covered it all up. Jews don't benefit from someone else's prosperity without being able to parasitise on it.

The right date! Just in time for 1935, almost all the Jews in the country's governance system had been eliminated.

Stalin's actions are very reminiscent of those of Svetoslav ~1100 years ago.

Article 282. Inciting national, racial or religious hatred

I would like to draw the administration's attention to this glaring fact.

p.s. Vadim you are a brilliant coder, you had better code and do not get into economics with esoterics.

Kaganovich and Molotov?
Zhid is an ancient Russian word for parasite. It is not necessarily a Jew. There are quite advanced people among the Jews who understand what is going on.
Zhid is an ancient Russian word for parasite. It is not necessarily a Jew. There are quite advanced people among Jews who understand what is going on.
but how do you define "Jew"?
How do you define a "Jew"?
Jew == parasite.

In ancient Russia a Jew was a Jew, not a parasite. So this is your interpretation - don't blame it on Ancient Russia.

Well, a parasite is what do you mean?


In ancient Russia a Jew was a Jew, not a parasite. So this is your interpretation - don't blame it on Ancient Russia.

Well, a parasite is what do you mean?


Jew == parasite.
You, for example, from the collective farmer's point of view, are a kike. Because you eat his bread, which he grew with his own hands, and you fool around at the computer all day



Who is a parasite according to you again?