Interesting and humorous - page 57

Let Sobyanin put on nappies and piss in them. Let him demonstrate, before he becomes prime minister of the Russian Federation. Better yet, let him come out somewhere between Yaroslavskoe and Shchelkovskoe highway and show him how to climb over the fence near the Moscow Ring Road in Elk Park to take a piss without anyone seeing it. (I apologise for the harshness, but there's a good reason for that).

You can protest about the traffic-
just don't cry afterwards when the problem is solved - OK?

1) increasing the cost of petrol
2) a ban on parking in courtyard areas
(garages and car parks will cost a million per space + a "maintenance" fee)
3) toll roads
etc. (similar fees and charges that increase the cost of car ownership)

The main problem is not traffic jams.
The main problem is the number of cars.

No, their main problem is finding a scapegoat and they don't care about the real problems
It would seem that an upside-down world is one where fish fly high, birds swim deep and the word MEL is written on the fence with a dick.
In fact, an upside-down world is one where armored car robbers engage in armed robbery, prosecutors go to jail for nine years for bribery, traffic police officers drunkenly run over people, and officers of the
Traffic policemen get drunk and run over people, and drug enforcement officers die of overdoses in the departmental sauna.


xxx: Do you believe in Matan's magical powers?
yyyy: Yeah, especially in his ability to make soldiers out of guys.


Overheard on the street. A guy on the phone, heartfelt:
- You know, you don't fly between the ass and the couch. The further the distance from the couch to the ass, the higher the probability that you'll get it!


xxx: A rock band should consist of 4 people so it's more comfortable to ride in coupe cars.
xxx: Or 6 if it's coach.


Was taking a website from a freelancer today and found an easter egg. Top of the page:

<h2 id="news"> Новости</h2>

At the end:
<script type="text/javascript">
 if (Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1) == 5)
 { document.getElementById('news').innerHTML = "Х#ёвости"; }

Oh, that IT humour...

People like to have adventures. A guy just came in here to clean his new laptop. Turned the power knob all the way to the right and started vacuuming the keyboard. Bagged up the keys.


Brought a mouse back from the office for cleaning. The usual thing, tail breaks. And then I see the letters "L" and "P" on the keys. So touching...


Two years ago I defragmented an accountant's computer. It was not finished, of course, as the accountant was terribly afraid for the safety of information. She, by the way, and anti-virus, which I installed, did not suit: he allegedly ate her files, as long as no one sees. In general, I gave up and did not touch her computer all that time.
And then, after two years, her computer crashes. Didn't figure out why - sent it in for service right away. Well, as soon as the computer was loaded into the truck, the accountant ran to her bosses to write a paper saying that her computer had crashed because of the defragmentation procedure she had performed two years ago on her "processor".
Time goes on, accountants don't change.


Micha squeezed the iPad ))
