Interesting and humorous - page 158

I am not talking about caviar, schnapps, our valiant blockade command, I am asking - who organised the heroic death of a million civilian Leningraders, was it a crime, and were there other ways out? Maybe there was no way out, but is anyone trying to figure it out and answer? No, everyone shouts "Traitors, fascists, etc.!". And leave the blockade archives in the KGB/FSB vaults so there are no more questions.
Once again, it is not about the answer to the question, it has been asked more than once by writers, historians and even school textbooks, it is about the well thought-out hysteria aimed at cracking down on the political opposition on the sly.

Hitler, no? The line between propaganda and truth has been blurred completely...

+100% NTV people are cowardly pussies. They ban and delete forum threads, it looks as if no one was even outraged by the disconnection of Dozhd.

You can understand them, they want to make money and keep their channel. They all have families to feed. They have this alternative: either work or be unemployed. Some of them find the strength to leave and even get a good job. I know one such person, who now works for a Ukrainian TV channel. But they are not able to accept everyone; they only hire the particularly gifted.

Hitler, wasn't he? The line between propaganda and truth has been erased altogether...

For "those who allegedly have not understood", I shall remind that from bullets and shells of Hitler 16744 people (sixteen thousand seven hundred forty-four) were killed.

It was not only Hitler who starved the rest - over 622,000 others - but also those Party bastards who ate their first and second or third courses in the Smolny buffets during the most difficult time - winter of 1941-42. Those who did not organize delivery on ice. And assigned people 125g of bread a day.

Don't pretend you don't know what we're talking about!
You can understand them, they want to make money and keep their channel.

Yes, of course. But with such steps and concessions we are gradually turning into North Korea.


For "those who allegedly do not understand", I remind you that Hitler killed 16744 people (sixteen thousand seven hundred and forty-four) by bullets and shells.

It was not only Hitler who starved the rest - over 622,000 others - but also those Party bastards who ate their first, second and third courses in the Smolny's buffets during the most difficult time - winter of 1941-42. Those who did not organize delivery on ice. And assigned people 125g of bread a day.

Don't pretend you don't know what we are talking about!

There are a lot of words - no thought.

SZZ: So many assertions for a stranger - burn...


Yes, of course. But with such steps and concessions we are gradually turning into North Korea.

It is strange that one country (Korea) has turned into two diametrically opposed countries. Apparently, a lot depends on the situation and the current leader, and yet it is possible to reshape consciousness of ordinary people beyond recognition. And all this is happening gradually and unnoticed by the population. People change and do not notice. It is scary.

I wouldn't be surprised if Renat came here too and asked to curtail dangerous conversations, like in the 5th forum) The law is already out.


For "those who have allegedly failed to understand", I remind you that Hitler's bullets and shells killed 17440 people.

The rest, over 622 (!) thousand were starved to death not only by Hitler, but by those patr bastards who ate the first, second and third courses in the Smolny's buffets. Those who didn't organise delivery on ice.

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about!

The main culprit is Hitler, who acted deliberately in accordance with his doctrine of extermination of the Slavs. The party hierarchy had no such intention (it was not genocide), they are to blame for not using all the opportunities to deliver food in time. The reason is not clear, perhaps they learned too late about such an opportunity - the roads on the ice of Lake Ladoga. Or maybe they were afraid to ask for foodstuffs from the centre, which were allocated first of all for the army and last for the civilian population. And probably they addressed to the centre for food aid only when the situation became quite critical. Personally, I am inclined that the reason is the second. As for the partisans who were well fed, I think their diet was not too different from that of the soldiers at war. Civilians were starving all over the country. My stepfather came home from the front and was surprised that they ate nettles. And what is there to be surprised about, the leadership in any country at all times was better fed than the general population. What good would it have done if they, like the ordinary people of Leningrad, would have fainted from hunger.


A lot of words - no thought.

ZS: So many assertions for someone you don't know - burn...

Why a stranger? You can already tell by the way you look who's wandered into the discussion! "I know my brother Kolya!"

Speak on the subject. Nothing more to say?

Then go on telling us tales of how Zhdanov, Zhukov and Vorshilov "slept for two hours a day"(c), and even in their sleep "without stopping their exhausting work"(c)!
Why a stranger? You can already tell by the way you look who's wandered into the discussion! "I know my brother Kolya!"

Speak on the subject. Nothing more to say?

Then go on telling us tales of how Zhdanov, Zhukov and Vorshilov "slept for two hours a day"(c), and even in their sleep "without stopping their exhausting work"(c)!

Do you already have three topics in your head with which to engage?

The main culprit is Hitler, who acted deliberately in accordance with his doctrine of extermination of the Slavs. The party hierarchy had no such intention (it was not genocide), they are to blame for not using all the opportunities to deliver food in time. The reason is not clear, perhaps they learned too late about such an opportunity - the roads on the ice of Lake Ladoga. Or maybe they were afraid to ask for foodstuffs from the centre, which were allocated first of all for the army and last for the civilian population. And probably they addressed to the centre for food aid only when the situation became quite critical...

Everyone has to answer for his own. Both Hitler, as the global enemy (responsible for the blockade itself), and the real, direct perpetrators of the famine. Those who could well have prevented it. But chose not to.

I do not believe the court scribblers, about "heroic efforts of Zhdanovs and Zhukovs". We can see the result of these "heroic efforts" of party functionaries - hundreds of thousands of starving deaths!

It is possible not to believe journalistic investigations and articles. We can pretend not to believe the figures of M. Solonin who with a calculator in his hand has clearly processed the official data. And proved who the culprit was.

But I believe Daniil Granin, Victor Astafjev, notes and diaries of Leningrad blockade victims which often clearly show who was really guilty.


"Only criminals could waste their people like that!" - Viktor Astafyev "Letters about the war - No answer for me... An epistolary diary"