Interesting and humorous - page 172


a tie too, then for sure.
There is a people's deputy from the Party of Regions, Tsaryov, his name is. He is just like you - everything in Europe is rotten, sodomy and debauchery, and the CU has milky rivers with green beaches! Both of his children go to Europe and study in universities! How can they send their own children to Europe to be screwed? Why not to Krasnodar State?

That's right. It's so that the children won't grow up pampered - to harsh European conditions!

And our people are buying up real estate on the Cote d'Azur and in Miami, so that life does not seem like honey to the Yanks. It is a disguise and misinformation, they think they have better conditions there than we do since ours get real estate there.



About the Venus project.

I have my own theory.

All people on earth should be doing is singing, dancing, playing music, drawing, sculpting, and loving the world around them. If ecology is normalized, there will be plenty of food in the forest. They could live in dugouts, so that they would not strain themselves too much with construction.

For example in such Euro earth huts:

That's actually all. You don't have to do anything special, nature itself will do everything.

Dima, don't post pictures of housing that belong to somebody else. If this is a wonderful easy to build environmentally friendly housing, then build it and brag about the results. You can do it there.

Such a dwelling can not be built in any soil, you will be tired of fighting with moisture.


Dima, don't post other people's pictures of housing, post your own! If it's a great easy-to-build eco-housing, then build it and show off the results. You can do it there.

Such a dwelling can not be built in any soil, you will be tired of fighting with moisture.

Ooooh... Of course the most skinny moment is chosen. Not about who sings or plays what. More about continuing the conversation on ecology, nature providing natural abundance for human life.
Ooooh... Of course, it's a skinny moment. Not about who sings or plays what. More about continuing the conversation on ecology, nature providing natural abundance for human life.

You can blah-blah-blah about nothing, but it is better to talk about reality.

Here, I built a house in the suburbs, so the basement is more humid than the house.

I was thinking more along the lines of ecology, nature providing the natural abundance for human life.

There's a lot of blah-blah-blah about nothing, but it's better to talk about reality.

I built a house in the suburbs and the basement is more humid than the house.

What about waterproofing? And insulation? Did you do it?

What about waterproofing ? And insulation? Did you do it?

In an underground building, not only waterproofing and thermal insulation but also a ventilation system is needed to combat humidity. In the summer heat, the humidity in the incoming air still needs to be reduced, so it is a far cry from the utopia of the Integer eco-housing.

In an underground building, not only waterproofing and thermal insulation, but also a ventilation system is needed to combat humidity. In the heat of summer, the humidity in the incoming air still needs to be reduced, so it's a far cry from the utopia of the Integer eco-housing.

Yeah. I know. Well, from the simple to the complex. There are humidification devices now. Probably the best one for you would be...
an adsorption dehumidifier.

That's funny. All sorts of things are possible. Yurts, tipis, soman houses, the well-known log cabins. But I'm not into construction. If you don't know anything about construction, you can set yourself up with all sorts of things... So-so, depending on money, you either build typical, as my grandfathers built, or order a project to specialists.