Interesting and humorous - page 80


Ha ha)) Well would I really write about it here if my motives were so easy to guess.

How predictable your reactions are, guys!

Ha ha)) Well, I wouldn't be writing about it here if my motives were so easy to guess.
Dimitri, maybe that was just the motive to investigate the reaction of the audience? So you are a subtle provocateur!

On the subject of transference, maybe your position is that you can't even speak out about your dissatisfaction if you are so attracted to our supposedly covert statement about your dissatisfaction.

How's that for a coup?

Dimitri, maybe that was just the motive to investigate the reaction of the audience? So you are a subtle provocateur!

No, it has long been understood that it is impossible to talk about serious topics on the Internet... There are always homegrown psychologists who have read three pages of Freud's book.

If it's about transference, then maybe your position is that you can't even speak out about your dissatisfaction if you are so attracted to our supposedly covert statement about your dissatisfaction.

How's that for a coup?

Every coup can be met with a counter-coup. If you don't stop in time, you can descend into taunts and taunts, and then all the way to a beating. At this level of communication culture.

This is often the end of most pleasant conversations in everyday reality. It is better not to go beyond light humour!

Can I get into your fight? Three pages of Freud? Freddy wasn't enough for you? I'm going to unban him now.

1There is no fight.

2. No touching the deceased. You could get diagnosed!)


In continuation of the theme of women (not humour). Book: Lyukimson P., Secrets of Jewish Sex.

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Don't expect free toilets in a country that charges money to enter a church.

Secrecy in the USSR

During Soviet times I used to go to Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan. On one visit, in the evening, a maid came in and said:

-In the morning you will have a wardrobe moving, do not be frightened, it rarely falls down.

Well, I think, probably humour of such local, not very clear, I laughed politely and went to bed.

I woke up in the morning with a feeling that I was falling out of bed. I open my eyes and see that the wardrobe is in the middle of the room, swinging unpleasantly. I jump up to calm the wardrobe and it feels like I've taken a lot more than 0.5 in the evening. And then everything calms down. The maid pops in and says mundane:

- Oh, the cupboard didn't fall down. Well, it wasn't much of a charge, then.

Thus I was privy to a closely guarded state secret - that there are underground nuclear tests at Semipalatinsk test site. It's about 200 or 300 km from Ekibastuz.