Crisis: Don't we care?


The world's financial markets are wobbling, and the future of these markets is in question (at least as they exist now)... And we are sitting here developing and testing TS, trying to trade (although it is better to stay away from such markets with their gep and unpredictable rules of the game), and it seems that we do not care. But I feel uncomfortable. I have closed the main depo (found more reliable investment at the moment), left two small ones, so that not to get out of habit, and to lose them would not be so pity.


But all the same, I have cats in my stomach. I wanted to make trading my main profession in the future, and here... Will the crisis come to us, will it come to our "semi-kitchen" brokerage companies and our deposits? May the rules of the "game" change significantly after this market shock? Or this time we have a lucky break and we will be able to go on trading in our house slippers and a favorite chair, sipping whiskey and earning our daily bread? Shall we share our worries?


Figaro, you google 10 14 08 and click lucky me.

My view is that as long as there is money - and there is for as long as there is money, which is at least another few years - there will be something to do. Of course, some brokers may go under, but by and large it should be fine.

sol >> :

Figaro, you google 10 14 08 and click lucky me.

My view is that as long as there is money - and there is for as long as there is money, which is at least another few years - there will be something to do. Of course, some brokers may go under, but by and large it should be fine.

And I stupidly did that on google. Thanks sol. Interesting site:)

And about the crisis. I almost got depressed too when I saw the news. Dibs on the TV! I'd rather watch a zombie horror film and it's more useful.


In my opinion, things are getting better.

the dollar hygemony is gone and the world is a more interesting place

a sick nation that blows up its buildings and stages super TV shows for the whole world is used to live in hollywood dreams and is now like a titanic fucked up by reality

BRIC currencies will become more popular on the forex market imho

saudi arabia, south africa, mexico, etc.

it's going to be fun - and I was even more fascinated than the financial crisis!
Plus >> : - and I'm even more fascinated than the financial crisis!

Yeah, they'll fly in on a blue helicopter and show a movie for free and give you 700 billion for the polson plan.

sabluk >> :

In my opinion, things are getting better.

the dollar hygemony is gone and the world is a more interesting place

a sick nation that blows up its buildings and stages super TV shows for the whole world is used to living in hollywood dreams and is now like a titanic fucked up by reality

BRIC currencies will become more popular on the forex market imho

saudi arabia, south africa, mexico, etc.

it's gonna be fun

About explosions: google "movie explodes" and click on my luck. Come back to reality ...

Choomazik >> :

About explosions: google "movie blasts" and click on my luck. Come back to reality ...

The comments in this fascinating film by Nemtsov (SPS) and Ivanenko (Yabloko party) are suggestive... ))

It's the same as the Republican candidate McCain reading KGB in Putin's eyes ))

And the author of this masterpiece, Litvinenko... >> as they say, no comment.


It's a serious topic, it's been on my mind for quite some time too. The global degradation of the quid is far more serious than just the default of 1998 on us. It's the whole world system - and it's fucking with everyone. Figar0, I'm a little scared myself.


Figar0, I think there is no cause for concern. The fall of the Western American empire is not scheduled for Tuesday. Or maybe Comrade Obama, with his democratic aspirations, will manage to correct Bush's mistakes and everything will fall into place.

And while the world community is being rocked, good-natured traders will make fortunes.